Google Earth & Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience

Full Title: Google Earth and Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience Education and Research

Editors: Steven J. Whitmeyer, John E. Bailey, Declan G. DePaor, and Tina Ornduff

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GSA Special Paper 492 consists of 35 papers that collectively synthesize the development and current uses of Google Earth and associated visualization media in geoscience education and research. Chapters focus on Google Earth and related tools, such as SketchUp, Google Fusion Tables, GigaPan, and LiDAR. Many of these papers include digital media that illustrate and highlight important themes of the texts. This volume is intended to document the state of the art for geoscience applications of geobrowsers, such as Google Earth, along with providing provocative examples of where this technology is headed in the future.

Check out HydroViz, a web-based hydrologic educational system that supports students' learning in hydrology. Habib et al.'s Chapter 33 discusses the development of this tool.

Holly Dolliver's chapter has garnered attention from the Google Earth blog, as well as the Google Earth Design blog.

This volume is in the Penrose Conference series.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 10/22/2012

ISBN Number: 9780813724928

Pages: 488

Product Category: Special Papers

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