GSA Online Application System



Public Land Name:
Congaree National Park

Position Title:
Earth Science Educator (2 Participants)

Agency: NPS

Position Type: GeoCorps

Position ID Number:

Hopkins, SC

Accepting Applications?

# of current Applicants: 0

Position Description:
The Old-Growth Bottomland Forest Research and Education Center (OGBFREC) at Congaree National Park is seeking two interns for the Fall of 2015. The interns will both support a K12 education program called LEAF, or “Linking Ecology and Art of Floodplains. LEAF programs, which have run for the past eight years through a partnership with the Columbia Museum of Art, engage local 3rd graders in connecting the science, art, and experience of the forested floodplain landscape at Congaree National Park. The goal is to promote science literacy and resource stewardship through outdoor, standards-based learning STEAM (STEM with an added “A” for “Arts”). While on a free, one-day field-trip to the park, students attend three lessons coordinated around the common theme of earth science – specifically how landscapes form through weathering, erosion, deposition, and sediment transport. This includes a mud-lab flume activity, a nature walk in the park, and a studio art lesson focusing on landscapes. A pre-site lesson helps the students prepare for the trip by turning their classroom into an “Art Museum For A Day,” while a post-site lesson helps the students reflect on their experience. This year’s programs are coordinated with the 2015 National Earth Science Week. While the LEAF programs will be the primary focus of the internship the interns may have additional opportunities to gain experience working with the Congaree National Park Interpretive program and/or engaging in ongoing park research projects on hydrology (including field work and data management on the Congaree Observation Well Network and Congaree Surface Water Observation Network), wildlife sighting logs, and big tree surveys. The exact nature of these secondary opportunities will depend upon on time, individual interest, and evolving park needs.

If you have questions about the application and selection process, please contact GSA's GeoCorps managers.  If you have questions about any aspect of the position — description, qualifications, housing, dates — please direct them to the contact(s) listed in the project description. Remember, application materials can only be submitted online. The project contact(s) will not accept application materials sent to them via e-mail, mail, fax, etc. See the full program details at the GeoCorps homepage.