Public Land Name: ALASKA REGIONAL OFFICE Position Title: Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist Agency: NPS Position Type: SIP Position ID Number: 2017002 Location:
240 W. 5th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501 Accepting Applications? # of current Applicants: 0 Position Description: POSITION DESCRIPTION PDF The Alaska National Park Service manages large protected areas, but has poor resolution topographic information. The participant will assist with a coastal ecological project as a data manager and GIS specialist. In particular, the participant will use structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques applied to aerial imagery. The SfM data will be used to develop a detailed digital elevation model (DEM) of the coast to integrate with other datasets.
Coastal DEM information is necessary to understand sea level changes and their impacts on the coastal environments throughout Alaska where relative sea levels are changing in both directions because of sea level rise and isostatic rebound, having direct implications on the jurisdiction of park management authorities and ecosystem effects from coastal activities.
The coastal ecological project is an integrated coastal resource effort updating datasets for environmental sensitivity assessments of coastal parks throughout the Alaska region; and in particular, an assessment of the intertidal flora and fauna of lower Cook Inlet. Changes in relative sea level, coastal resource use, offshore extraction activities, and maritime vessel operations adjacent to Alaskan National Park lands is increasing the necessity for understanding extents of potential influences from the collective resource utilization activities. Integrated coastal elevation information is critical to the evaluation process.
The participant will help expand SfM capabilities for the Alaska Region by applying the technology to the coastal project and topographic needs of parks. The participant will work with partners from other agencies and university collaborators to develop a robust SfM system that can be shared across the region.
Upon successful completion of the GIP internship, the participant is eligible for an AmeriCorps Education Award. This position is offered through the National Park Service's Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Internship Program in partnership with Environmental Stewards and The Geological Society of America. If you have questions about the application and selection process, please contact GSA's GeoCorps managers. If you have questions about any aspect of the position — description, qualifications, housing, dates — please direct them to the contact(s) listed in the project description. Remember, application materials can only be submitted online. The project contact(s) will not accept application materials sent to them via e-mail, mail, fax, etc. See the full program details at the GeoCorps homepage.