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Science Article:
The significance of sheeted dike complexes in ophiolites
Abstract | Full-Text PDF (1.38MB)
Generational and Cyclical Demographic Change in The Geological Society of America
Abstract | Full-Text PDF (99KB)
Also in this issue…
See Full-issue PDF (4.3MB) for following articles.
12 - Call for Proposals — Portland 2009
12 - Call for Applications: 2009–2010 GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellowship
13 - Upcoming Award, Recognition & Grant Deadlines
14 - Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers: North-Central Section Meeting
16 - Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers: Rocky Mountain Section Meeting
17 - Call for Geological Papers: 2009 GSA Section Meetings
20 - GeoCorps™ America 2008 Highlights
23 - GSA Foundation Update
24 - Position Statement Draft: Integrating Geoscience with Sustainable Land-Use Management
28 - Classified Advertising
35 - Groundwork: Generational and Cyclical Demographic Change in The Geological Society of America
38 - Journal Highlights and Coming Soon to GSA Today
The April/May 2008 issue of GSA Today (v. 18, no. 4/5, p. 13) identifies a picture as “Horseshoe Canyon of the Colorado River” when in fact the photo is Horseshoe Bend, downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in the Colorado River. Horseshoe Canyon is in an arid location area west of Green River in Utah, USA.
The September GSA Today Foundation Update (v. 18, no. 9, p. 68) attributed the “Digging Up the Past” experience relayed there to Monte D. Williams. The experience, which was paraphrased and edited for length, was that of GSA Senior Member Monte D. Wilson of Boise, Idaho, USA.
GSA Today regrets these errors.