Featured Articles
Science Article:
The Rheic Ocean: Origin, Evolution, and Significance
Abstract | Full-Text PDF (1.87MB)
Also in this issue…
See Full-issue PDF (5.9MB) for following articles.
13 - Letter
14 - Call for Nominations: 2009 GSA Division Awards
15 - Call for Applications: 2009-2010 GSA/USGS Congressional Science Fellowship
16 - Upcoming Award, Recognition & Grant Deadlines
18 - GSA Adopts New Strategic Plan
22 - Call for Proposals: 2009 GSA Annual Meeting, "From Volcanoes to Vineyards: Living with Dynamic Landscapes"
24 - 2009 GSA Section Meeting Calendar
24 - Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers: Cordilleran Section Meeting
25 - 2009 GSA Section Meeting Mentor Programs
26 - Final Announcement and Call for Papers: South-Central Section Meeting
28 - GSA Foundation Update
29 - About People and In Memoriam
31 - Classified Advertising
39 - Journal Highlights and Coming Soon to GSA Today
The August GSA Today (v. 18, no. 8, p. 17) included periods with the initials “W J” for William John McGee. According to two GSA Fellows, “in later years,” McGee preferred his first and middle names to be represented by initials only, with no periods.
We’d like to hear from you:
Information like that provided by these two GSA Fellows is invaluable to accuracy and the preservation of Society history — if you see errors in GSA Today, please contact the managing editor at so that we can make the correction and set the record straight!