Featured Articles
Science Article:
2008 GSA Annual Meeting Presidential Address:
A field geologist looks at a digital world
Also in this issue…
See Full-issue PDF for following articles.
7 - 2008 Joint Annual Meeting Wrap-up
9 - 2008 GSA Medals and Awards
10 - 2008 Honorary Fellows
11 - 2008 GSA Division Awards
12 - Upcoming Award, Recognition & Grant Deadlines
13 - 2008 Section Meeting Calendar
13 - 2009 GSA Officer and Councilor Nominees
14 - 2009 Student Awards & Scholarships
16 - Last Call for Applications: 2009–2010 Congressional Science Fellow
16 - 2007–2008 Congressional Science Fellow Final Report
18 - Field Forum Scheduled
20 - Final Announcement: Southeastern Section Meeting
22 - Final Announcement: Northeastern Section Meeting
25 - Final Announcement: North-Central Section Meeting
28 - 2009 Section Meeting Mentor Programs
30 - GSA Foundation Update
31 - GeoCorpsTM America 2009
32 - GSA Honors Exceptional Reviewers
34 - 2008–2009 Section and Division Officers and Past Chairs
36 - Classified Advertising
41 - GSA Today science articles: Hot topics and recurring themes, 1998 to 2008
47 - Journal Highlights
Erratum: The photo of the Dallas skyline published on p. 23 of the October issue of GSA Today (v. 18, no. 10) should be credited to Melissa Fenton rather than the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau. GSA Today regrets this error.