GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Field Guide 1:

Colorado and Adjacent Areas

David R. Lageson, Alan P. Lester, and Bruce D. Trudgill, eds.

  1. Bouncing boulders, rising rivers, and sneaky soils: A primer of geologic hazards and engineering geology along Colorado's Front Range
    D. C. Noe, J. M. Soule, J. L. Hynes, and K. A. Berry
  2. Laramide to Holocene structural development of the northern Colorado Front Range
    E. A. Erslev, K. S. Kellogg, B. Bryant, T. K. Ehrlich, S. M. Holdaway, and C. W. Naeser
  3. Laramide faulting and tectonics of the northeastern Front Range of Colorado
    E. A. Erslev and S. M. Holdaway
  4. Hydrogeology and wetlands of the mountains and foothills near Denver, Colorado
    K. E. Kolm and J. C. Emerick
  5. Field trip to Manitou Springs, Colorado, with specific emphasis on the sediments of Cave of the Winds and their relationship to nearby alluvial deposits and spring sediments
    F. G. Luiszer
  6. 200,000 years of climate change recorded in eolian sediments of the High Plains of eastern Colorado and western Nebraska
    D. R. Muhs, J. B. Swinehart, D. B. Loope, J. N. Aleinikoff, and J. Been
  7. Walking tour of paleontologist George G. Simpson's boyhood neighborhood
    L. Laporte
  8. Active evaporite tectonics and collapse in the Eagle River valley and the southwestern flank of the White River uplift, Colorado
    R. B. Scott, D. J. Lidke, M. R. Hudson, W. J. Perry, Jr., B. Bryant, M. J. Kunk, J. R. Budahn, and F. M. Byers, Jr.
  9. Coal mining in the 21st century: Yampa coal field, northwest Colorado
    M. E. Brownfield, E. A. Johnson, R. H. Affolter, and C. E. Barker
  10. Field guide to the continental Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton basin, Colorado and New Mexico
    C. L. Pillmore, D. J. Nichols, and R. F. Fleming
  11. Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology of the Cambrian-Ordovician of Colorado
    P. M. Myrow, J. F. Taylor, J. F. Miller, R. L. Ethington, R. L. Ripperdan, and C. M. Brachle
  12. Field guide for the Heart Mountain detachment and associated structures, northeast Absaroka Range, Wyoming
    D. H. Malone, T. A. Hauge, and E. C. Beutner