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Table of Contents - Field Guide 2: |
Great Basin and Sierra Nevada |
Preface | v | |
1. | Lake Tahoe active faults, landslides, and tsunamis Richard A. Schweickert, Mary M. Lahren, Robert Karlin, Jim Howie, and Ken Smith |
1 |
2. | Histotical surface faulting and paleoseismology of the central Nevada seismic belt S. John Caskey, John W. Bell, D. Burton Slemmons, and Alan R. Ramelli |
23 |
3. | Geoarcheology and Holocene landscape history of the Carson Desert, western Nevada David Rhode, Kenneth D. Adams, and Robert G. Elston |
45 |
4. | Reconstruction of Basin and Range extension and westward motion of the Sierra Nevada Block Robert J. Brady, Brian P. Wemicke, and Nathan A. Niemi |
75 |
5. | Neogene basins in western Nevada document the tectonic history of the Sierra NevadaBasin and Range transition zone for the last 12 Ma J.H. Trexler, Jr., P.H. Cashman, C.D. Henry, T. Muntean, K. Schwartz, A. TenBrink, J.E. Faulds, M. Perkins, and T. Kelly |
97 |
6. | Neogene through Quaternary hillslope records, basin sedimentation, and landscape evolution of southeastern Nevada Joel L. Pederson, Frank J. Pazzaglia, Gary A. Smith, and Yun Mou |
117 |
7. | Late Cenozoic crustal extension and magmatism, southern Death Valley region, California J.P. Calzia and O.T. Rämö |
135 |
8. | Interrelation of Eocene magmatism, extension, and Carlin-type gold deposits in northeastern Nevada Christopher D. Henry and Michael W. Ressel |
165 |
9. | Papoose Flat, Eureka ValleyJoshua FlatBeer Creek, and Sage Hen Flat plutons: Examples of rising, sinking, and cookie-cutter plutons in the central White-Inyo Range, eastern California Sven S. Morgan, Richard D. Law, and Michel de Saint Blanquat |
189 |
10. | Middle Mesozoic plutonism and deformation in the western Sierra Nevada
foothills, Cafifornia Diane Clemens-Knott, Michael B. Wolf, and Jason B. Saleeby |
205 |
11. | The Pershing olistostrome: Evidence for the Triassic shelf-basin transition in the western Great Basin Frederick R. Heck |
223 |
12. | Geology of Pakozoic rocks in eastern Sierra Nevada roof pendants, California Calvin H. Stevens and David C. Greene |
237 |
13. | Paleozoic subduction complex and Paleozoic-Mesozoic island-arc volcano-plutonic assemblages in the northern Sierra terrane Richard E. Hanson, Gary H. Girty, David S. Harwood, and Richard A. Schweickert |
255 |
14. | Lower Pateozoic stratigraphy and structure of central Nevada: Comparisons and contrasts between the lower and upper plates of the Roberts Mountains thrust Stanley C. Finney, Paula Noble, and J. Kelly Cluer |
279 |
15. | Global Ordovician Series boundaries and global event biohorizons, Monitor Range and Roberts Mountains, Nevada Stanley C. Finney and Ray Ethington |
301 |
16. | Neoproterozoic glacial record in the Death Valley region, California and Nevada Mark Abolins, Rebecca Oskin, Tony Prave, Catherine Summa, and Frank Corsetti |
319 |
17. | Superposed fold-thrust events at the Nevada Test Site Patricia H. Cashman, James C. Cole, and James H. Trexler, Jr. |
337 |
18. | Lake Tecopa and its environs: 2.5 million years of exposed history relevant to climate, groundwater, and erosion issues at the proposed nuclear-waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Roger B. Morrison and Martin D. Mifflin |
335 |
19. | Hydrologic and geologic characteristics of the Yucca Mountain Site relevant to the performance of a potential repository R.A. Levich, R.M. Linden, Russ L. Patterson, and John S. Stuckless |
383 |
20. | A discussion of geology, soils, wines, and history of the Napa Valley region David G. Howell and Jonathan R Swinchatt |
415 |
Appendix: Color figures for Chapter 19 | 423 |