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Table of Contents - 2004 Field GuideWestern Cordillera and Adjacent AreasEdited by Terry W. Swanson |
1. | Glacial Lake Missoula, Clark Fork ice dam, and the floods outburst area: Northern Idaho and western Montana Norman B. Smyers and Roy M. Breckenridge |
2. | Sequence stratigraphy of the Sauk Sequence: 40th anniversary field trip in western Utah Kevin R. Evans, James F. Miller, and Benjamin F. Dattilo |
3. | Tectonic geomorphology and the record of Quaternary plate boundary deformation in the Olympic Mountains Frank J. Pazzaglia, Glenn D. Thackray, Mark T. Brandon, Karl W. Wegmann, John Gross, Eric McDonald, Antonio F. Garcia, and Don Prothero |
4. | Wine and geology-The terroir of Washington State Alan J. Busacca and Lawrence D. Meinert |
5. | The Columbia River flood basalts and the Yakima fold belt Stephen P. Reidel, Barton S. Martin, and Heather L. Petcovic |
6. | Cretaceous to Paleogene Cascades Arc: Structure, metamorphism, and timescales of magmatism, burial, and exhumation of a crustal section Robert B. Miller, Jennifer P. Matzel, Scott R. Paterson, and Harold Stowell |
7. | Cordilleran Ice Sheet glaciation of the Puget Lowland and Columbia Plateau and alpine glaciation of the North Cascade Range, Washington Don J. Easterbrook |
8. | Engineering geology in the central Columbia River valley Thomas C. Badger and Richard W. Galster |
9. | Regional Tertiary sequence stratigraphy and regional structure on the eastern flank of the Central Cascade Range, Washington Eric S. Cheney |
10. | Biogeochemical processes at ancient methane seeps: The Bear River site in southwestern Washington James L. Goedert and Steven R. Benham |
11. | Holocene lahars and their by-products along the historical path of the White River between Mount Rainier and Seattle Paul H. Zehfuss, Brian F. Atwater, James W. Vallance, Henry Brenniman, and Thomas A. Brown |
12. | Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and paleogeography of southern Puget Sound near Olympia, Washington Timothy J. Walsh, Michael Polenz, Robert L. (Josh) Logan, Marvin A. Lanphere, and Thomas W. Sisson |
13. | Recent geoarchaeological discoveries in central Washington Gary Huckleberry, Brett Lenz, Jerry Galm, and Stan Gough |
14. | Evolution of a polygenetic ophiolite: The Jurassic Ingalls Ophiolite, Washington Cascades Gregory D. Harper, Robert B. Miller, James H. MacDonald Jr., Jonathan S. Miller, and Ante N. Mlinarevic |
15. | Quaternary geology of Seattle Kathy Goetz Troost, Derek B. Booth, and William T. Laprade |