GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - GSA Field Guide 6

Interior Western United States

Edited by Joel L. Pederson and Carol M. Dehler

1. Neoproterozoic Uinta Mountain Group of northeastern Utah: Pre-Sturtian geographic, tectonic, and biologic evolution
Carol M. Dehler, Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Susannah M. Porter
2. Basaltic volcanism of the central and western Snake River Plain: A guide to field relations between Twin Falls and Mountain Home, Idaho
John Shervais, John D. Kauffman, Virginia S. Gillerman, Kurt L. Othberg, Scott K. Vetter, V. Ruth Hobson, Meghan Zarnetske, Matthew F. Cooke, Scott H. Matthews, Barry B. Hanan
3. From cirques to canyon cutting: New Quaternary research in the Uinta Mountains
Jeffrey S. Munroe, Benjamin J.C. Laabs, Joel L. Pederson, and Eric C. Carson
4. Geomorphology and rates of landscape change in the Fremont River drainage, northwestern Colorado Plateau
David W. Marchetti, John C. Dohrenwend, and Thure E. Cerling
5. Late Cretaceous stratigraphy, depositional environments, and macrovertebrate paleontology of the Kaiparowits Plateau, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah
Alan L. Titus, John D. Powell, Eric M. Roberts, Scott D. Sampson, Stonnie L. Pollock, James I. Kirkland, and L. Barry Albright
6. Transect across the northern Walker Lane, northwest Nevada and northeast California: An incipient transform fault along the Pacific-North American plate boundary
James E. Faulds, Christopher D. Henry, Nicholas H. Hinz, Peter S. Drakos, and Benjamin Delwiche
7. Brittle deformation, fluid flow, and diagenesis in sandstone at Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada
Peter Eichhubl and Eric Flodin
8. Evolution of a late Cenozoic supradetachment basin above a flat-on-flat detachment with a folded lateral ramp, SE Idaho
Alexander N. Steely, Susanne U. Janecke, Sean P. Long, Stephanie M. Carney, Robert Q. Oaks, Jr., Victoria E. Langenheim, and Paul K. Link
9. Utah's state rock and the Emery coalfield: Geology, mining history, and natural burning coal beds
Glenn B. Stracher, David E. Tabet, Paul B. Anderson, and J. Dénis N. Pone
10. Latest Pleistocene-early Holocene human occupation and paleoenvironmental change in the Bonneville Basin, Utah-Nevada
David Rhode, Ted Goebel, Kelly E. Graf, Bryan S. Hockett, Kevin T. Jones, David B. Madsen, Charles G. Oviatt, and Dave N. Schmitt
11. Neotectonics and paleoseismology of the Wasatch Fault, Utah
Ronald L. Bruhn, Christopher B. DuRoss, Ronald A. Harris, and William R. Lund
12. Pocatello Formation and overlying strata, southeastern Idaho: Snowball Earth diamictites, cap carbonates, and Neoproterozoic isotopic profiles
Paul Karl Link, Frank A. Corsetti, and Nathaniel J. Lorentz
13. Anatomy of reservoir-scale normal faults in central Utah: Stratigraphic controls and implications for fault zone evolution and fluid flow
Peter Vrolijk, Rod Myers, Michael L. Sweet, Zoe K. Shipton, Ben Dockrill, James P. Evans, Jason Heath, and Anthony P. Williams
14. Sheet-like emplacement of satellite laccoliths, sills, and bysmaliths of the Henry Mountains, southern Utah
Sven Morgan, Eric Horsman, Basil Tikoff, Michel de Saint-Blanquat, and Guillaume Habert
15. Folds, fabrics, and kinematic criteria in rheomorphic ignimbrites of the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Insights into emplacement and flow
Graham D.M. Andrews and Michael J. Branney
16. Mesozoic lakes of the Colorado Plateau
Timothy M. Demko, Kathleen Nicoll, Joseph J. Beer, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Lisa E. Park
17. Birth of the lower Colorado River-Stratigraphic and geomorphic evidence for its inception near the conjunction of Nevada, Arizona, and California
P. Kyle House, Phillip A. Pearthree, Keith A. Howard, John W. Bell, Michael E. Perkins, James E. Faulds, and Amy L. Brock
18. Development of Miocene faults and basins in the Lake Mead region: A tribute to Ernie Anderson and a review of new research on basins
Melissa Lamb, Paul J. Umhoefer, Ernie Anderson, L. Sue Beard, Thomas Hickson, and K. Luke Martin
19. Don R. Currey Memorial Field Trip to the shores of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville
Holly S. Godsey, Genevieve Atwood, Elliott Lips, David M. Miller, Mark Milligan, and Charles G. Oviatt
20. Paleoseismology and geomorphology of the Hurricane Fault and Escarpment
Lee Amoroso and Jason Raucci
21. Recognition and interpretation of isolated shelf turbidite bodies in the Cretaceous Western Interior, Book Cliffs, Utah
Simon A.J. Pattison
22. Geologic hazards of the Wasatch Front, Utah
Barry J. Solomon, Francis X. Ashland, Richard E. Giraud, Michael D. Hylland, Bill D. Black, Richard L. Ford, Michael W. Hernandez, and David H. Hart