GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - GSA Field Guide 8

Excursions in Geology and History: Field Trips in the Middle Atlantic States

Edited by Frank J. Pazzaglia

1. Geology of the Gettysburg battlefield: How Mesozoic events and processes impacted American history
R.J. Cuffey, J.D. Inners, G.M. Fleeger, R.C. Smith II, J.C. Neubaum, R.C. Keen, L. Butts, H.L. Delano, V.A. Neubaum, and R.H. Howe
2. A tour of the Peach Bottom Slate — Once the best building slate in the world
J.L. Jones, C.K. Scharnberger, M.A. Schlegel, and D.C. Robinson
3. The great Centralia mine fire: A natural laboratory for the study of coal fires
G.B. Stracher, M.A. Nolter, P. Schroeder, J. McCormack, D.R. Blake, and D.H. Vice
4. Geology of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, New Jersey–Pennsylvania
J.B. Epstein
5. Rodinian collisional and escape tectonics in the Hudson Highlands, New York
A.E. Gates, D.W. Valentino, M.L. Gorring, E.R. Thern, and J. Chiarenzelli
6. Refining the metamorphic and tectonic history of the southeastern Pennsylvania Piedmont: Recent results from monazite and zircon geochronology and accessory-phase thermometry
J.M. Pyle, H. Bosbyshell, and G.C. Blackmer
7. Tectonic history of the Blue Ridge, north-central Virginia
C.M. Bailey, S. Southworth, and R.P. Tollo
8. Central Appalachian Piedmont and Blue Ridge tectonic transect, Potomac River corridor
S. Southworth, A.A. Drake Jr., D.K. Brezinski, R.P. Wintsch, M.J. Kunk, J.N. Aleinikoff, C.W. Naeser, and N.D. Naeser
9. Rivers, glaciers, landscape evolution, and active tectonics of the central Appalachians, Pennsylvania and Maryland
F.J. Pazzaglia, D.D. Braun, M. Pavich, P. Bierman, N. Potter Jr., D. Merritts, R. Walter, and D. Germanoski
10. Along-strike changes in fold-thrust belt architecture: Examples from the Hudson Valley, New York
K.C. Burmeister and S. Marshak
11. 135 million years of history in southwestern Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
R.A. Scheinfeld and C.M. Davenger
12. Bicycle tour of the geology and hydrology of Philadelphia
R.A. Scheinfeld
13. Journey into anthracite
A.R. Frantz, E.L. Simpson, and D.W. Freudenberger