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Table of Contents - GSA Field Guide 12

From the Cincinnati Arch to the Illinois Basin: Geological Field Excursions along the Ohio River Valley

Edited by Anton H. Maria; co-editor: Ronald C. Counts

1. Aspects of Pennsylvanian stratigraphy, sedimentation, and conodonts in southwestern Indiana
Carl B. Rexroad, W. John Nelson, and Penny L. Meighen
2. The Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite District, Hicks Dome, and Garden of the Gods in southeastern Illinois and northwestern Kentucky
F. Brett Denny, Alan Goldstein, Joseph A. Devera, David A. Williams, Zakaria Lasemi, and W. John Nelson
3. Revisiting New Harmony in the footsteps of Maximilian, the Prince of Wied; David Dale Owen; Charles Lesueur; and other early naturalists
Sabina F. Thomas and Joseph T. Hannibal
4. Hydrogeology of an abandoned mine-land site for management of coal-combustion products
Paul K. Doss, Ron Yost, and Don Fuller
5. Seismic ground-failure features in the vicinity of the Lower Wabash and Ohio River valleys
Ronald C. Counts, James M. Durbin, and Stephen F. Obermeier
6. Building stones and cultural geology of Evansville, Indiana, USA
Joseph T. Hannibal, Sabina F. Thomas, and W. Thomas Straw
7. David Dale Owen and the geological enterprise of New Harmony, Indiana, with a companion roadside geology of Vanderburgh and Posey Counties
W. Thomas Straw and Paul K. Doss
8. Silurian high-resolution stratigraphy on the Cincinnati Arch: Progress on recalibrating the layer-cake
Patrick I. McLaughlin, Bradley D. Cramer, Carlton E. Brett, and Mark A. Kleffner