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Table of Contents - GSA Field Guide 13Field Trip Guides to the Backbone of the Americas in the Southern and Central Andes: Ridge Collision, Shallow Subduction, and Plateau Upliftedited by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay and Víctor A. Ramos |
Introduction |
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1. | Field trip guide: Ridge-trench collision—The southern Patagonian Cordillera east of the Chile Triple Junction Matthew L. Gorring |
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2. | Field trip guide: Andean Cordillera and backarc of the south-central Andes (~38.5°S to 37°S) Tomás Zapata, Gonzalo Zamora Valcarce, Andrés Folguera, and Daniel Yagupsky |
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3. | Field trip guide: Frontal and Main Andean Cordilleras near the southern boundary of the Pampean shallow subduction zone Víctor A. Ramos |
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4. | Field trip guide: Evolution of the Pampean flat slab region over the shallowly subducting Nazca plate Víctor A. Ramos |
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5. | Field trip guide: Neogene evolution of the central Andean Puna plateau and southern Central Volcanic Zone Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Beatriz Coira, and Constantino Mpodozis |
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