GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Field Guide 17

From Precambrian Rift Volcanoes to the Mississippian Shelf Margin: Geological Field Excursions in the Ozark Mountains

edited by Kevin R. Evans and James S. Aber

Preface v
1. Route 66—Geology and legacy of mining in the Tri-state district of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma
J.S. Aber, S.W. Aber, G. Manders, and R.W. Nairn
2. Preliminary geology of the Proffit Mountain flood scour, Reynolds County, Missouri
C.M. Seeger and D.J. Wronkiewicz
3. Geomorphology and paleontology of Riverbluff Cave, Springfield, Missouri
C.W. Rovey II, M. Forir, G. Balco, and D. Gaunt
4. Civil War and cultural geology of southwestern Missouri, part 1: The geology of Wilson’s Creek Battlefield and the history of stone quarrying and stone use
J.T. Hannibal and K.R. Evans
5. Civil War and cultural geology of southwestern Missouri, part 2: Geologic influences on the Battle of Forsyth, guerrilla activities, and post-war vigilantism
K.R. Evans
6. Rift-related volcanism and karst geohydrology of the southern Ozark dome
G.R. Lowell, R.W. Harrison, D.J. Weary, R.C. Orndorff, J.E. Repetski, and H.A. Pierce