GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Field Guide 18

Through the Generations: Geologic and Anthropogenic Field Excursions in the Rocky Mountains from Modern to Ancient

edited by Lisa A. Morgan and Steven L. Quane

Preface v
1. Lewis and Clark Line, Montana: Tectonic evolution of a crustal-scale flower structure in the Rocky Mountains
James W. Sears, Kathryn MacDonald, and Jeffery Lonn
2. Late Cenozoic evolution of the Colorado Rockies: Evidence for Neogene uplift and drainage integration
Andres Aslan, Karl E. Karlstrom, Laura J. Crossey, Shari Kelley, Rex Cole, Greg Lazear, and Andy Darling
3. Beyond Colorado's Front Range—A new look at Laramide basin subsidence, sedimentation, and deformation in north-central Colorado
James C. Cole, James H. Trexler Jr., Patricia H. Cashman, Ian M. Miller, Ralph R. Shroba, Michael A. Cosca, and Jeremiah B. Workman
4. Garden of the Gods at Colorado Springs: Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentation and tectonics
Marcus R. Ross, William A. Hoesch, Steven A. Austin, John H. Whitmore, and Timothy L. Clarey
5. Chalk Creek Valley: Colorado's natural debris-flow laboratory
Jeffrey A. Coe, Jason W. Kean, Scott W. McCoy, Dennis M. Staley, and Thad A. Wasklewicz
6. To reactivate or not to reactivate—Nature and varied behavior of structural inheritance in the Proterozoic basement of the eastern Colorado Mineral Belt over 1.7 billion years of earth history
Jonathan Saul Caine, John Ridley, and Zachary R. Wessel
7. Estimating natural background groundwater chemistry, Questa molybdenum mine, New Mexico
Philip L. Verplanck, D. Kirk Nordstrom, Geoffrey S. Plumlee, and Bruce M. Walker
8. Alternative sequence stratigraphic model for the Desert Member to Castlegate Sandstone interval, Book Cliffs, eastern Utah: Implications for the high-resolution correlation of falling stage nonmarine, marginal-marine, and marine strata
Simon A.J. Pattison
9. A geologic and anthropogenic journey from the Precambrian to the new energy economy through the San Juan volcanic field
Douglas B. Yager, Alison Burchell, and Raymond H. Johnson
10. Boulder Creek: A stream ecosystem in an urban landscape (abstract)
Sheila F. Murphy, Philip L. Verplanck, Peter W. Birkeland, John Pitlick, Larry B. Barber, and Sarah A. Spaulding
This field trip follows the GSA guide published from the 2007 GSA Annual Meeting in Denver (available at Verplanck, P.L., Murphy, S.F., Birkeland, P.W., Pitlick, J., Barber, L.B., and Schmidt T.S., 2008, Boulder Creek: A stream ecosystem in an urban landscape, in Raynolds, R.G., ed., Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips: Geological Society of America Field Guide 10, p. 217–233, doi: 10.1130/2008.fl d010(10).