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Table of Contents - FLDIGC01 - Field Guide VolumeField Trips31st International Geological Congress - Brazil 2000Edited by Hernani Aquini Fernandes Chaves, Eduardo Camozzato, Sabino Orlando Loguercio, Diogenes de Almeida Campos |
Pre-Congress Field Trips | |
Bft 1 | Paraná á Basin magmatism, stratigraphy and mineralization (Southern Brazil) El Marta S. M. Mantovani, Wilson Wildner and Pedro L. Juchem |
Bft 2 | Gondwana sequences (Early Permian to Early Cretaceous) in southern border of Paraná Basin - stratigraphy and paleontology (Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil) Ubiratan F. Faccini, Ernesto L. Lavina, Ricardo da C. Lopes, Cesar L. Schultz and Tânia G. Dutra |
Bft 8 | Interference between the Neoproterozoic Brasflia and Ribeira Belts, with special emphasis on high pressure granulites Rudolph A. J. Trouw, André Ribeiro, Fábio V. P. Paciullo and Mônica Heilbron |
Bft 14 | Niquelândia and Barro Alto mafic-ultramafic layered complexes of Central Brazil (Goiás State) Cesar Fonseca Ferreira Filho |
Bft 16 | Mid-East Chapada Diamantina, State of Bahia, Brazil Augusto J. Pedreira and Luiz F. C. Bomfim |
Bft 27 | Paleozoic of Western Gondwana active margin (Bolivian Andes) Enrique Díaz-Martínez, Thierry Sempere, Peter E Isaacson and George W Grader |
During-Congress Field Trips |
Dft 1 | Precambrian gneisses in Rio: from the Sugar Loaf to the Arpoador outcrops Claudio Valeriano, Julio Cesar H. de Almeida and Monica Heilbron |
Dft 2 | Quaternary sedimentation in Jacarepaguá-Guaratiba Coastal Plain, Rio de Janeiro Maria Antonieta C. Rodrigues, Egberto Pereira, Pedro de Cesero, Carlos Emanoel de Souza Cruz and Sérgio Bergamaschi |
Dft 3 | Natural hazards and risk prevention in the City of Rio de Janeiro Claudio Amaral, E Vargas Jr., N. Fernandes and L. J. Brandão da Silva |
Dft 5 | The Paraíba do Sul Transpressive Shear Zone, Rio de Janeiro State, SE Brazil H. Dayan and A. V. Corrêa Neto |
Dft 6 | Geology of the Cabo Frio Region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil Mônica Heilbron, Renata da Silva Schmitt, Webster Mohriak and Rudolph A. J. Trouw |
Dft 8 | Pediment bauxite deposits of the Passa Quatro Alkaline Massif, Minas Gerais State, Eastern Brazil Joel Barbujiani Sígolo |
Dft 9 | Arc-related to post-collisional magmatism at Serra dos Órgãos Region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: products of Gondwana assembly, during the Brasiliano-Pan African Orogeny Miguel Tupinambá, Hé1io Monteiro Penha and Maria do Carmo Bustamante Junho |
Dft 11 | The Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Lagoa Santa Karst (Minas Gerais State, Eastern Brazil) Augusto S. Auler, Mylène Berbert-Bom and Paulo Femando P. Pessoa |
Dft 12 | Lagoa Salgada (Rio de Janeiro): recent stromatolites Narendra K. Srivastava and Leonardo Borghi de Almeida |
Post-Congress Field Trips |
Aft 2 | Crustal evolution of Southern Brazil: juvenile accretion and shear zones Léo A. Haftmann and Luis Alberto D. Fernandes |
Aft 8 | The Jacupiranga Carbonatite Complex (Part 1) and the Pogos de Caldas Alkaline Massif (Part 11) - Minas Gerais and São Paulo States, Eastern Brazil Excelso Ruberti, Celso de Barros Gomes, Geraldo Conrado Melcher, Horstpeter H. G.J. Ulbrich and Mabel N. C. Ulbrich |
Aft 9 | Coastal ecosystems of the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná States and some environmental impacts due to their use and occupation Celia Regina de Gouveia Souza, Cleverson Guizan Silva, Gilberto Tavares de Macedo Dias, Paolo Alfredine, Rodolfo José Angulo, Carlos Roberto Soares and Maria Cristina Souza |
Aft 12 | Geology and gold mineralization in the Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Minas Gerais State, Brazil) Lydia Maria Lobato, Luiz Cláudio Ribeiro-Rodrigues, Mácia Zucchetti, Orivaldo F. Baltazar, Frederico Wallace dos Reis Vieira, Sárgio L. Martins Pereira, Edilberto Elias Biasi and Luiz Camilo Pinto |
Aft 19 | The Southern Espinhaço Mountain Range: its geodynamic evolution and diamond mineralization, Minas Gerais State, Eastern Brazil F. E. Renger and P. A. Almeida-Abreu |
Aft 20 | Guide to the major colored gemstone deposits in the vicinity of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Júlio César-Mendes and Antonio Luciano Gandini |
Aft 24 | The coastal zone of the State of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil José Maria Landim Dominguez, Louis Martin, Abílio Carlos da Silva Pinto Bittencourt, Guilherme de n Camargo Lessa, Zelinda Margarida de Andrade Nery Leão and Viviane Testa |
Aft 26 | The oldest rocks of South America (3.4 and 1.9 Ga): granite-greenstone and granulitic terranes of the São Francisco Craton in the State of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil José Carlos Cunha, Moacyr M. Marinho, Pierre Sabaté, Johildo S. F. Barbosa, Philippe Vidal, Luiz Rogério Bastos Leal and Femando C. A. da Silva |
Aft 37 | Carajás Mineral Province, Pará State, North of Brazil S.R.B. Huhn, A.D.V. Soares, C. A. Medeiros Filho, C. C. Magalhães, S. C. Guedes, L.G.B. Moura, J. L. Rego and C. H. Cravo |
Aft 42 | Major ore deposits of the Argentinian Northwest Eduardo Zappettini and José Mendia |
Aft 46 | Field guide to geology of the highest Andes (32°-33° SL) crossing the Andes between Mendoza (Argentina) and Viña del Mar (Chile) Victor A. Ramos and Estanislao Godoy |
Aft 47 | Geology and impact features of the Domo de Araguainha Astrobleme, States of Mato Grosso and Goiás, Brazil Alvaro P. Crósta and Jamilo J. Thomé Filho |