Table of Contents - MWR147: Quaternary Sedimentation in South Florida
Holocene Sediment Accumulation of the South Florida Shelf Margin
Paul Enos
Regional setting
Local setting
Surface sediments
Grain type
Sedimentary structures
Porosity and permeability
Early diagenesis
Holocene sediment accumulation patterns
Rock-floor topography
Holocene sediment thickness
Sediment volumes
Stratigraphy of Holocene shelf-margin sediments
Origin and history of sediment accumulations
Outer reefs
Shelf-margin sand shoals
Patch-reef banks
Inner shelf-margin sediment wedges
Tidal deltas
Inner shelf-margin banks
Controls of sediment accumulation
Mechanical redistribution
Pre-existing rock topography
Contemporary topography
Comparison of Holocene and Pleistocene sequences of south Florida
Summary and conclusions
Appendix 1. Photographs of habitat communities
References cited
Depositional Framework of Pleistocene Rocks in South Florida
Ronald D. Perkins
Geologic setting
Stratigraphic subdivision and its relationship to previous work
Chronology of Q units
Criteria for recognition of discontinuity surfaces
Vadose sediment
Land-plant root structures
Laminated crusts
Diagenetic soilstone
Soils and soil breccias
Solution surfaces
Bored surfaces
Freshwater limestones
Combination of discontinuity criteria
Determination and application of ecologic suites
Stratigraphic application of present-day topography
Barrier-beach and beach-dune deposits
Barrier-beach, lagoon, and tidal-delta complex
Stratigraphic analysis of the Pleistocene of south Florida
Approaches to problem
Analysis of Q1 unit
Pre-unit topography and Q1 isopach patterns
Q1 lithofacies and ecologic facies
Environmental analysis of Q1 facies
Analysis of Q2 unit
Pre-unit topography and Q2 isopach patterns
Q2 lithofacies and ecologic facies
Environmental analysis of Q2 unit
Analysis of Q3 unit
Pre-unit topography and Q3 isopach patterns
Q3 lithofacies and ecologic facies
Environmental analysis of Q3 unit
Analysis of Q4 unit
Pre-unit topography and Q4 isopach patterns
Q4 lithofacies and ecologic facies
Environmental analysis of Q4 unit
Analysis of Q5 unit
Pre-unit topography and Q5 isopach patterns
Q5 lithofacies and ecologic facies
Environmental analysis of Q5 unit
Stratigraphic implications
Dynamics of discontinuity surface formation
Similarity of sequence
Stratigraphic synthesis and conclusions
Appendix 1. Locations of measured sections
References cited