Table of Contents - MWR148: Contributions to the Stratigraphy of New England

Introduction and summary, Lincoln R. Page

Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy of northeastern Aroostook County, Maine, David C. Roy and Ely Mencher

Discussion: Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy of northeastern Aroostook County, Maine, Louis Pavlides

Lower Devonian Seboomook Formation and Matagamon Sandstone, northern Maine: A flysch basin-margin delta complex, Bradford A. Hall, Stephen G. Pollock. and Kerry M. Dolan

Fossil-based stratigraphy in the Merrimack synclinorium, central Maine, Allan Ludan

Pre-Silurian stratigraphic succession in central western Maine, Eugene L. Boudette and Gary M. Boone

Stratigraphy of the Belfast quadrangle, Maine, Charles E. Bickel

Geochronologic contributions to stratigraphic interpretation and correlation in the Penobscot Bay area, eastern Maine, Douglas G. Brookins

Stratigraphy and correlation of the Newbury Volcanic Complex, northeastern Massachusetts, Andrew F. Shride

Pre-Silurian stratigraphy of northeastern Massachusetts, Kenneth G. Bell and Donald C. Alvord

Stratigraphic analysis of rocks exposed in the Wachusett-Marlborough Tunnel, east-central Massachusetts, James W. Skehan. S.J., and A. Adel Abu-moustafa

Silurian and Devonian stratigraphy in the Clinton quadrangle, central Massachusetts, John H. Peck

Summary of stratigraphy in the Brimfield area, Connecticut and Massachusetts, John D. Peper and M. H. Pease, Jr.

Pre-Silurian stratigraphy of the New London area, southeastern Connecticut, Richard Goldsmith

Summary discussion of stratigraphy of eastern Massachusetts and Connecticut, H. Roberto Dixon

Pre-Silurian stratigraphy in south-central Massachusetts and north-central Connecticut, Robert W. Schnabel

PreDevonian stratigraphy of the central section of the western Connecticut highlands, Robert M. Gates and Charles W. Martin

Preliminary correlation of rocks in southwestern Connecticut , Leo M. Hall

Discussion: Early Paleozoic stratigraphy of western Massachusetts and Connecticut and southeastern New York, Rolfe S. Stanley and Norman L. Hatch, Jr.

Hoosac Formation (Early Cambrian or older) on the east limb of the Berkshire massif, southwestern Massachusetts, Stephen A. Norton

Stratigraphy, isotopic ages, and deformational history of basement and cover rocks of the Berkshire massif, southwestern Massachusetts, Nicholas M. Ratcliffe and Robert E. Zartman

Taconic "room problem," North Adams gap, and time of formation of basement-related nappes in southwestern New England: Discussion of papers by Harwood, Norton, and Ratcliffe and Zartman E-an Zen

Isotopic dating and New England stratigraphy, Richard S. Naylor
