Table of Contents - MWR155: The Geological Society of America-Life History of a Learned Society

A Learned Society Is Born, Matures, and Becomes an Heir

Birth of the Society
Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr., the Man and the Benefactor
Adjustment to Sudden Wealth

Society Makeup, Goverance, and Management

Governance and Leadership
Headquarters Management
Investment Management
The Society's Homes

Activities, Accomplishments, and Objectives

The Society's Publications and Its Editors
Honors and Awards
The Penrose Conferences
Research Grants
Libraries and Depositories
GSA: Good Friend and Neighbor

A Brief Look Ahead

The Future of Geology and of the Society

Appendix A. First Constitution and By-Laws of The Geological Society of America

Appendix B. Present Constitution and Bylaws of The Geological Society of America, Inc

Appendix C. Directory to Proceedings, Abstracts, and Memorials of The Geological Society of America

Appendix D. Past Presidents
