Introduction, David M. Miller and Keith A. Howard
Structure and Cenozoic tectonism along the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, Mary Lou Zoback
Fission-track ages of apatite in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah: An Uplift study, C. W. Naeser, Bruce Bryant, M. D. Crittenden, Jr., and M. L. Sorensen
Geochronology of the Farmington Canyon Complex, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, Carl E. Hedge, John S. Stacey, and Bruce Bryant
Overthrusts and salt diapirs, central Utah, Irving J. Witkind
Variations in structural style and correlation of thrust plates in the Sevier foreland thrust belt, Great Salt Lake area, Utah, Edwin W. Tooker
Interrelations of thrust and transcurrent faults in the central Sevier orogenic belt near Leamington, Utah, Hal T. Morris
Microfacies of the Middle Pennsylvanian part of the Oquirrh Group, central Utah, Calvin H. Stevens and Richard A. Armin
Structural geology of the southern Sheeprock Mountains, Utah: Regional significance, Nicholas Christie-Blick
Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic development of the Muddy, North, Muddy, and northern Black Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, Robert G. Bohannon
Stratigraphic variation and low-angle faulting in the North Hansel Mountains and Samaria Mountain, southern Idaho, Richard W. Allmendinger and Lucian B. Platt
Glacial and tectonically influenced sedimentation in the Upper Proterozoic Pocatello Formation, southeastern Idaho, Paul Karl Link
Phanerozoic magmatism and mineralization in the Tooele 1° x 2° quadrangle, Utah, William J. Moore and Edwin H. McKee
AIlochthonous quartzite sequence in the Albion Mountains, Idaho, and proposed Proterozoic Z and Cambrian correlatives in the Pilot Range, Utah and Nevada, David M. Miller
Structural geometry and sequence, Bovine Mountain, northwestern Utah, Teresa E. Jordan
Structural evolution of the Raft River Basin, Idaho, H. R. Covington
Late Miocene displacement of Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary rocks in the Matlin Mountains, northwestern Utah, V. R. Todd
Displaced Miocene rocks on the west flank of the Raft RiverGrouse Creek core complex, Utah, Robert R. Compton
Stratigraphic relations of Permian units, Cassia Mountains, Idaho, James W. Mytton, William A. Morgan, and Bruce R. Wardlaw
Overlapping overthrust belts of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic ages, northern Elko County, Nevada, Robert R. Coats and John F. Riva