GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Memoir 158:

Contributions to the Tectonics and Geophysics of Mountain Chains

Introduction, Robert D. Hatcher, Jr., Harold Williams, and Isidore Zietz

A new geophysical criterion to correlate the Acadian and Hercynian orogenies of western Europe and eastern America, Jean-Pierre Lefort

A plate-tectonics model for the Paleozoic assembly of Pangea based on paleomagnetic data, Rob Van der Voo

Geophysical correlation between the geological zonation of Newfoundland and the British Isles, R. T. Haworth and R. D. Jacobi

Appalachian suspect terranes, Harold Williams and Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.

Exotic terranes in the New England Appalachians-limits, candidates, and ages: A speculative essay, E-an Zen

Crustal geometry of the Appalachian orogen from seismic reflection studies, Clifford J. Ando, Frederick A. Cook, Jack E. Oliver, Larry D. Brown, and Sidney Kaufman

A deep structural profile across the Appalachians of southern Quebec, Pierre St.-Julien, Anne Slivitsky, and Thomas Feininger

Tectonic significance of paired gravity anomalies in the southern and central Appalachians, M. D. Thomas

Geologic interpretation of geophysical maps of the pre-Cretaceous "basement" beneath the Coastal Plain of the Southeastern United States, Michael W. Higgins and Isidore Zietz

An interpretation of the geology of the Mauritanides orogenic belt (West Africa) in the light of geophysical data, J. P. Lécorché, J. Roussel, J. Sougy, and Z. Guetat

Tectonic significance of similarities in the evolution of the Alabama-Pennsylvania Appalachians and the Alberta-British Columbia Canadian Cordillera, Raymond A. Price and Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.

The distribution of layer parallel shortening fabrics in the Appalachian foreland of New York and Pennsylvania: Evidence for two non-coaxial phases of the Alleghanian orogeny, Peter Geiser and Terry Engelder

Role of basement warps and faults in localizing thrust fault ramps, David Wiltschko and Daniel Eastman

Detachment, shear, and compression in the central Alps, H. P. Laubscher

Cover and basement: A contrast in style and fabrics, P. A. Rathbone, M. P. Coward, and A. L. Harris