Table of Contents - MWR161: Proterozic Geology: Selected Papers from an International Proterozic Symposium


A tectonic review of the Proterozoic, Brian F. Windley

Dynamics of the continental crust in Proterozoic times, J.D.A. Piper

Proterozoic magnetic overprinting and tectonics of the Laurentian Shield, David J. Dunlop and Larry D. Schutts

Proterozoic orogenies and crustal evolution, A. J. Baer

Proterozoic mobile belts compatible with the plate tectonic concept, A. Kröner

A Wilson Cycle approach to some Proterozioc problems in eastern North America, Susan L. Anderson and Kevin Burke

Geochemical, isotopic, and paleomagnetic tests of early sial-sima patterns: The Precambrian crustal enigma revisited, A. Y. Glikson

Geochemistry of Early Proterozoic sedimentary rocks and the Archean/Proterozoic boundary, S. R. Taylor and S. M. McLennan

Proterozoic anorogenic granite plutonism of North America, J. Lawford Anderson

Metamorphism and thermal gradients in the Proterozoic continental crust, R. St J. Lambert

The origin of Proterozoic and late Archean charnockites-evidence from field relations and experimental petrology, R. C. Newton and E. C. Hansen

Tectonic controls of the time-space distribution of some Proterozoic metal deposits, Frederick J. Sawkins

Proterozoic exhalative massive sulphide deposits, G. H. Gale

The major stratiform lead-zinc deposits of the Proterozoic, I. B. Lambert

Constraints on genetic modeling of Proterozoic iron formations, Michael M. Kimberley

Proterozoic uranium deposits and the Precambrian atmosphere, F. F. Langford

Aspects of Proterozoic biogeology, Preston Cloud

Oxygen isotope geochemistry of Proterozoic chemical sediments, E. C. Perry, Jr., and S. N. Ahmad

Proterozoic plankton, Gonzalo Vidal and Andrew H Knoll

The Proterozoic glacial record, W. B. Harland

The recognition of ancient glaciations, John C. Crowell

Quaternary glacial deposits: Implications for the interpretation of Proterozoic glacial deposits, A. Dreimanis

Late Proterozoic glaciation in the light of C02 depletion in the atmosphere, L. J. G. Schermerhorn