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Table of Contents - Memoir 162: |
The Caribbean-South American Plate Boundary and Regional Tectonics |
Map of geologic provinces in the Caribbean region
J. E. Case, T. L. Holcombe, and R. G. Martin
Caribbean tectonics and relative plate motions
Kevin Burke, Calvin Cooper, John F. Dewey, Paul Mann, and James L. Pindell
Seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies in the Venezuelan Basin
N. Ghosh, S. A. Hall, and J. F. Casey
Plate tectonic evolution of the Caribbean region in the mantle reference frame
R. A. Duncan and R. B. Hargraves
Magmatic rock series and high-pressure metamorphism as constraints on the tectonic history of the southern Caribbean
Dirk J. Beets, Walter V. Maresch, Gerard Th. Klaver, Annibale Mottana, Rosangela Bocchio, Frank F. Beunk, and Hendrik P. Monen
Caribbean structural breaks and plate movements
Peter H. Mattson
Seismic reflection profiles across the southern margin of the Caribbean
John W. Ladd, Marek Truchan, Manik Talwani, Paul L. Stoffa, Peter Buhl, Robert Houtz, Alain Mauffret, and Graham Westbrook
Magnetic provinces in western Venezuela
William E. Bonini
Basement and Paleozoic rocks of the Venezuelan Llanos basins
Gustavo Feo-Codecido, Foster D. Smith, Jr., Nelson Aboud, and Estela de Di Giacomo
The geology of the El Pilar fault zone and adjacent areas in northeastern Venezuela
Richard C. Vierbuchen
The Urica fault zone, northeastern Venezuela
Stuart E. Munro and Foster D. Smith, Jr.
Structure and Cenozoic tectonics of the Falcón Basin, Venezuela, and adjacent areas, Karl W. Muessig
Paleomagnetic data on the basic igneous intrusions of the central Falcón Basin, Venezuela
Karl W. Muessig
Cenozoic tectonic history of the Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela-Colombia, and adjacent basins
James N. Kellogg
Jurassic La Quinta Formation in the Sierra de Perijá, northwestern Venezuela: Geology and tectonic environment of red beds and volcanic rocks
William B. Maze
K-Ar ages on hornblende-andesites from the Sierra de Perijá, western Venezuela
Gideon Steinitz and William B. Maze
Paleomagnetic results from the Jurassic La Quinta Formation in the Perijá Range, Venezuela, and their tectonic significance
W. B. Maze and R. B. Hargraves
Preliminary paleomagnetic results from the Jurassic rocks of the Santa Marta Massif, Colombia
William D. MacDonald and Neil D. Opdyke
Paleomagnetic results from rhyolites (Early Cretaceous?) and andesite dikes from two localities in the Ocana area, northern Santander Massif, Colombia
R. B. Hargraves, R. Shagam, R. Vargas, and G. I. Rodriguez
Structural style, diapirism, and accretionary episodes of the Sinú-San Jacinto terrane, southwestern Caribbean borderland
Hermann Duque-Caro
Late Cretaceous condensed sequence, Venezuelan Andes
Santosh K. Ghosh
Late Cenozoic Guayabo delta complex in southwestern Maracaibo Basin, northeastern Colombia
Franklyn B. Van Houten and Harold E. James
Late Tertiary tectonic history of the Táichira Depression, southwestern Venezuelan Andes
Carlos Macellari
Late Cenozoic tectonic environments of the Central Venezuelan Andes
Robert Giegengack
Mesozoic-Pleistocene fission-track ages on rocks of the Venezuelan Andes and their tectonic implications
B. P. Kohn, R. Shagam, P. O. Banks, and L. A. Burkley
Tectonic implications of Cretaceous-Pliocene fission-track ages from rocks of the circum-Maracaibo Basin region of western Venezuela and eastern Colombia
R. Shagam, B. P. Kohn, P. O. Banks, L. E. Dasch, R. Vargas, G. I. Rodriguez, and N. Pimentel
K-Ar hornblende ages from El Chacao complex, north-central Venezuela
E. H. Hebeda, E. A. Th. Verdurmen, and H.N.A. Priem
Results and preliminary implications of sixteen fission-track ages from rocks of the western Caribbean Mountains, Venezuela
B. P. Kohn, R. Shagam, and T. Subieta