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Table of Contents - Memoir 163: |
The Miocene Ocean: Paleoceanography and Biogeography |
The depth of the ocean through the Neogene, John G. Sclater, Linda Meinke, Andrew Bennett, and Cynthia Murphy
A multiple microfossil biochronology for the Miocene, John A. Barron, Gerta Keller, and Dean A. Dunn
Latest Miocene/earliest Pliocene diatom correlations in the North Pacific, Lloyd H. Burckle and Neil D. Opdyke
The evolution of Miocene surface and near-surface marine temperatures. Oxygen isotopic evidence (Appendixes II and III on microfiche inside back cover), Samuel M. Savin, Linda Abel, Enriqueta Barrera, David Hodell, Gerta Keller, James P. Kennett, John Killingley, Margaret Murphy, and Edith Vincent
Evolution of the Miocene ocean in the eastern North Pacific as inferred from oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios of foraminifera, Enriqueta Barrera, Gerta Keller, and Samuel M. Savin
Miocene oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the tropical Indian Ocean, Edith Vincent, John S. Killingley, and Wolfgang H. Berger
Changes in Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal distribution in the Pacific Ocean: Relationship to paleoceanography, Fay Woodruff
Depth stratification of planktonic foraminifers in the Miocene ocean, Gerta Keller
Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and paleoceanographic development of the Indo-Pacific region, James P. Kennett, Gerta Keller, and M. S. Srinivasan
Radiolarian biogeography and paleoceanography of the North Pacific at 8 Ma, Karen Romine
Evolution of Pacific circulation in the Miocene: Radiolarian evidence from DSDP Site 289, Karen Romine and Gail Lombari
Biogeographic trends in Neogene radiolaria from the Northern and Central Pacific, Gail Lombari
The post-Eocene sediment record of DSDP Site 366: Implications for African climate and plate tectonic drift, Ruediger Stein
Miocene paleoceanography of the South Atlantic Ocean at 22, 16, and 8 Ma, David A. Hodell and James P. Kennett