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Table of Contents - Memoir 164: |
Blueschists and Eclogites |
Experimental investigations of blueschist-greenschist transition equilibria: Pressure dependence of Al203 contents in sodic amphiboles - A new geobarometer
Shigenori Maruyama, Moonsup Cho, and J. G. Liou
Metamorphic temperatures and pressures of Group B and C eclogites
Robert C. Newton
Phase relationships of ellenbergerite, a new high-pressure Mg-Al-Ti silicate in pyrope-coesite-quartzite from the Western Alps
Christian Chopin
Petrology and tectonic implications of the blueschist-bearing Puerto Nuevo melange complex, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Thomas E. Moore
Petrologic and geochemical comparison of the blueschist and greenschist units of the Catalina Schist terrane, southern California
Sorena Svea Sorensen
Blueschists in the Franciscan Complex of California: Petrotectonic constraints on uplift mechanisms
Mark Cloos
Geochronology of high-pressure-low-temperature Franciscan metabasites: A new approach using the U-Pb system,
James M. Mattinson
Blueschist metamorphism of the Eastern Franciscan belt, northern California
A. S. Jayko, M. C. Blake, Jr., and R. N. Brothers
Deformation and high PIT metamorphism in the central part of the Condrey Mountain window, north-central Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon
Mark A. Helper
Geology of the Shuksan Suite, North Cascades, Washington, U.S.A.
Edwin H. Brown
Phase petrology of eclogitic rocks in the Fairbanks district, Alaska
Edwin H. Brown and Robert B. Forbes
Field relations and metamorphism of the Raspberry Schist, Kodiak Islands, Alaska
Sarah M. Roeske
Rb-Sr and K-Ar study of metamorphic rocks of the Seward Peninsula and Southern Brooks Range, Alaska
Richard L. Armstrong, Joseph E. Harakal, Robert B. Forbes, Bernard W. Evans, and Stephen Pollock Thurston
Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism in central western Spitsbergen
Yoshihide Ohta, Takao Hirajima, and Yoshikuni Hiroi
A greenschist protolith for blueschist in Anglesey U.K.
Wes Gibbons and Mark Gyopari
Rb-Sr and U-Pb dating of the blueschists of the Ile de Groix (France)
Jean-Jacques Peucat
Blue amphiboles in metamorphosed Mesozoic mafic rocks from the Central Alps
R. Oberhänsli
Early Alpine eclogite metamorphism in the Penninic Monte Rosa-Gran Paradiso basement nappes of the northwestern Alps
Giorgio V. Dal Piaz and Bruno Lombardo
Blueschist-facies metamorphism of manganiferous cherts: A review of the alpine occurrences
Annibale Mottana
The blueschist facies schistes lustrés of Alpine Corsica: A review
Wes Gibbons, Colin Waters, and John Warburton
The ophiolite-bearing Schistes lustrés nappe in Alpine Corsica: A model for the emplacement of ophiolites that have suffered HP/LT metamorphism
John Warbunon
High-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks of Turkey
A. I. Okay
Eclogites from various types of metamorphic complexes in the USSR and the Problems of their origin
N. V. Sobolev, N. L. Dobretsov, A. B. Bakirov, and V. S. Shatsky
The high-pressure metamorphic belts of Japan: A review
Shoheí Banno
The origin and metamorphic history of the ultramafic and metagabbro bodies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt
K. Kunugiza, A. Takasu, and S. Banno
Strain patterns in the Sanbagawa and Ryoke paired metamorphic belts, Japan
Mitsuhiro Toriumi and Megumi Masui
A low P/T metamorphic episode in the Biei area, Kamuikotan blueschist terrane, Japan
Hirokazu Maekawa
Regional eclogite facies in the high-pressure metamorphic belt of New Caledonia
K. Yokoyama, R. N. Brothers, and P. M. Black