GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Memoir 166:

Structual Fabrics in Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores from Forearcs

Tectonic overview of Deep Sea Drilling Project transects of forearcs, J. Casey Moore and Neil Lundberg

Macroscopic structural features in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearc regions, Neil Lundberg and J. Casey Moore

Faulting mechanisms in slope sediments. Examples from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores, R. J. Knipe

Scaly fabrics from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs, J. Casey Moore, Sarah Roeske, Neil Lundberg, Jane Schoonmaker, Darrell S. Cowan, Eugenio Gonzales, and Stephen E. Lucas

Microstructural evolution of vein arrays preserved in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from the Japan Trench, Leg.57, R. J. Knipe

Cataclastic deformation in accretionary wedges. Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, southern Mexico, and on-land examples from Barbados and Kodiak Islands, Stephen E. Lucas and J. Casey Moore

Clay mineralogy and diagenesis of sediments from deformation zones in the Barbados accretionary wedge (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A), Jane Schoonmaker

Physical properties and mechanical state of accreted sediments in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan Arc, Daniel E. Karig

Sediment deformation and dewatering under horizontal compression: Experimental results, Bobb Carson and Peter L. Berglund

Deformation mechanism path diagrams for sediments undergoing lithification, R. J. Knipe