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Table of Contents - Memoir 169:

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Geology and Paleontology of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula

Early geological exploration of Seymour Island, Antarctica, William J. Zinsmeister

Topographic map of Seymour Island, Henry H. Brecher and Robert W. Tope

Techniques used in collecting fossil vertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula, Dan S. Chaney

Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleoecology of Upper Cretaceous/Paleocene shelf-deltaic sediments of Seymour Island, Carlos E. Macellari

Upper Cretaceous and lower Paleocene diatom and silicoflagellate biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, eastern Antarctic Peninsula, David M. Harwood

Campanian to Paleocene palynological succession of Seymour and adjacent islands, northeastern Antarctic Peninsula, Rosemary A. Askin

The palynological record across the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition on Seymour Island, Antarctica, Rosemary A. Askin

Upper Campanian-Paleocene foraminifera from the James Ross Island region, Antarctic Peninsula, Brian T. Huber

Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, William J. Zinsmeister and Carlos E. Macellari

The new dimidtobelid belemnite from the Upper Cretaceous of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Peter Doyle and William J. Zinsmeister

Macruran decapods, and their epibionts, from the López de Bertodano Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Seymour Island, Antarctica, Dale M. Tshudy and Rodney M. Feldmann

Geometry and stratification of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleogene units on Seymour Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula, Peter M. Sadler

Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, Antarctica, John H. Wrenn and George F. Hart

Brachiopoda from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene), Seymour Island, Antarctica, Lawrence A. Wiedman, Rodney M. Feldmann, Daphne E. Lee, and William J. Zinsmeister

Balanomorph Cirripedia from the Eocene La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica, Victor A. Zullo, Rodney M. Feldmann, and Lawrence A. Wiedman

Eocene decapod crustaceans from Antarctica, Rodney M. Feldmann and Margaret T. Wilson

Eocene asteroids (Echinodermata) from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Daniel B. Blake and William J. Zinsmeister

Echinoids from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene), Seymour Island, Antarctica, Michael L. McKinney, Kenneth J. McNamara, and Lawrence A. Wiedman

A new genus of polydolopid marsupial from Antarctica, Judd A. Case, Michael O. Woodburne, and Dan S. Chaney

Paleogene floras from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Judd A. Case

Ichnofossils, tubiform body fossils, and depositional environment of the La Meseta Formation (Eocene) of Antarctica, Lawrence A. Wiedman and Rodney M. Feldmann

Tectonic setting and evolution of the James Ross Basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula, David H. Elliot
