Introduction, L. C. Pakiser and Walter D. Mooney
Seismic methods for determining earthquake source parameters and lithospheric structure, Walter D. Mooney
Gravity methods in regional studies, Robert W. Simpson and Robert C. Jachens
Crustal studies using magnetic data, Richard J. Blakely and Gerald G. Connard
Paleomagnetic methods, J. W. Hillhouse
Electrical structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the United States, Part 1, Methods for determining the conductivity profile, George V. Keller
Laboratory techniques for determining seismic velocities and attenuations, with applications to the continental lithosphere, Nikolas I. Christensen and William W. Wepfer
The crustal structure of the western continental margin of North America, Richard W. Couch and Robin P. Riddihough
Regional crustal structure and tectonics of the Pacific Coastal States, California, Oregon, and Washington, Walter D. Mooney and Craig S. Weaver
Tectonic evolution of the Intermontane System; Basin and Range, Colorado Plateau, and High Lava Plains, R. Ernest Anderson
Geophysics of the western Basin and Range province, George A. Thompson, Rufus Catchings, Erik Goodwin, Steve Holbrook, Craig Jarchow, Carol Mann, Jill McCarthy, and David Okaya
Geophysical and tectonic framework of the eastern Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau-Rocky Mountain transition, Robert B. Smith, Walter C. Nagy, Kelsey A. (Smith) Julander, John J. Viveiros, Craig A. Barker, and Donald G. Gants
Geophysics of the Intermontane system, L. C. Pakiser
Crustal structure of the Rocky Mountain region, Claus Prodehl and Peter W. Lipman
Crustal structure of the continental interior, L. W. Braile
Geophysical framework of the Appalachians and adjacent Grenville Province, Steven R. Taylor
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico continental margins, A. M. Trehu, K. D. Klitgord, D. S. Sawyer, and R. T. Buffler
A crust/mantle structural framework of the conterminous United States based on gravity and magnetic trends, Martin F. Kane and Richard H. Godson
Isostatic residual gravity and crustal geology of the United States, R. C. Jachens, R. W. Simpson, R. J. Blakely, and R. W. Saltus
Electrical structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the United States; Part 2, Survey of data and interpretation, George V. Keller
Paleomagnetism of North America; The craton, its margins, and the Appalachian Belt, Rob Van der Voo
Paleomagnetism of continental North America, Implications for displacement of crustal blocks within the Western Cordillera, Baja California to British Columbia, Myrl E. Beck, Jr.
Heat flow and thermal regimes in the continental United States, Paul Morgan and William D. Gosnold
Tectonic stress field of the continental United States, Mary Lou Zoback and Mark D. Zoback
Earthquakes, faults, and the seismotectonic framework of the contiguous United States, J. W. Dewey, David P. Hill, W. L. Ellsworth, and E. R. Engdahl
Crustal structure of the western U.S. based on reflection seismology, Scott B. Smithson and Roy A. Johnson
Reflection seismic studies of crustal structure in the eastern United States, Robert A. Phinney and Kabir Roy-Chowdhury
Seismic properties of the crust and uppermost mantle of the conterminous United States and adjacent Canada, L. W. Braile, W. J. Hinze, R.R.B. von Frese, and G. Randy Keller
Upper-mantle velocity structure in the continental U.S. and Canada, H. M. Iyer and T. Hitchcock
Composition of the continental crust and upper mantle; A review, David M. Fountain and Nikolas I. Christensen
Crustal geologic processes of the United States, Warren B. Hamilton
Pore pressure, seismic velocities, and crustal structure, Nikolas I. Christensen
Geophysical framework of the continental United States; Progress, problems, and opportunities for research, Walter D. Mooney and L. C. Pakiser