Origin and evolution of the zoned La Posta-type plutons, eastern Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern and Baja California, M. J. Walawender, R. G. Gastil, J. P. Clinkenbeard, W. V. McCormick, B. G. Eastman, R. S. Wernicke, M. S. Wardlaw, S. H. Gunn, and B. M. Smith
The problem of the magnetite/ilmenite boundary in southern and Baja California, California, Gordon Gastil, Judith Diamond, Charles Knaack, Michael Walawender, Monte Marshall, Carolyn Boyles, Burton Chadwick, and Bradley Erskine
Mid-crustal emplacement of Mesozoic plutons, San Gabriel Mountains, California, and implications for the geologic history of the San Gabriel terrane, Andrew P. Barth
Middle to upper crustal plutonic construction of a magmatic arc; An example from the Whipple Mountains metamorphic core complex, J. Lawford Anderson and Robert L. Cullers
Petrology and geochemistry of the metaluminous to peraluminous Chemehuevi Mountains Plutonic Suite, southeastern California, Barbara E. John and Joe Wooden
Petrogenesis of the composite peraluminous-metaluminous Old Woman-Piute Range batholith, southeastern California, Isotopic constraints, Calvin F. Miller, Joseph L. Wooden, Victoria C. Bennett, James E. Wright, G. Cleve Solomon, and Richard W. Hurst
Jurassic granitoids and related rocks of the southern Bristol Mountains, southern Providence Mountains, and Colton Hills, Mojave Desert, California, Lydia K. Fox and David M. Miller
Extension-related Miocene volcanism in the Mopah Range volcanic field, southeastern California, Richard W. Hazlett
Recycling of continental crust in Miocene volcanic rocks from the Mojave block, southern California, Allen F. Glazner
Mid-Miocene volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Lake Mead area of Nevada and Arizona; Production of intermediate igneous rocks in an extensional environment, Eugene I. Smith, Daniel L. Feuerbach, Terry R. Naumann, and James G. Mills
Late Cretaceous-Tertiary magmatism in the Colorado Mineral Belt, Rare earth element and samarium-neodymium isotopic studies, Holly J. Stein and James G. Crock
Geochemistry of the garnet-bearing Tharps Peak granodiorite and its relation to other members of the Lake Kaweah intrusive suite, southwestern Sierra Nevada, California, David L. Liggett
Petrogenesis and evolution of the Salinian magmatic arc, James M. Mattinson
Middle Cretaceous silicic metavolcanic rocks in the Kings Canyon area, central Sierra Nevada, California, Jason B. Saleeby, Ronald W. Kistler, Samuel Longiaru, James G. Moore, and Warren J. Nokleberg
Two different lithosphere types in the Sierra Nevada, California, Ronald W. Kistler
Cretaceous magmatism, metamorphism, and metallogeny in the east-central Great Basin, Mark D. Barton
Partial melting of metabasites in the contact aureoles of gabbroic plutons in the Smartville Complex, Sierra Nevada, California, James S. Beard
High-K, continental-arc volcanism in the Kettle Rock sequence of the eastern Mesozoic belt, northern Sierra Nevada, California, Implications for tower Mesozoic Cordilleran tectonics, Geoff Christe and Judith L. Hannah
Magmatic components of a tilted plutonic system Klamath Mountains, California, Calvin G. Barnes, Charlotte M. Allen, James D. Hoover, and Robert H. Brigham
Magma mixing and mingling between synplutonic mafic dikes and granite in the Idaho-Bitterroot batholith, David A. Foster and Donald W. Hyndman
Neodymium, strontium, and trace-element evidence of crustal anatexis and magma mixing in the Idaho batholith, Robert J. Fleck
The Colville Igneous Complex; Paleogene volcanism, plutonism, and extension in northeastern Washington, Diane H. Carlson and Falma J. Moye
Two traverses across the Coast batholith, southeastern Alaska, Fred Barker and Joseph G. Arth