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Table of Contents - Memoir 176: |
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Basin and Range Extensional Tectonics Near the Latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada |
Cenozoic geometry and thermal state of the subducting slabs beneath western North America, Jeff Severinghaus and Tanya Atwater Miocene volcanism folding, and faulting in the Castle Mountains, southern Nevada and eastern California, Ryan D. Turner and Allen F. Glazner Structural development of a major extensional accommodation zone in the Basin and Range Province, northwestern Arizona and southern Nevada, Implications for kinematic models of contintental extension, James E. Faulds, John W. Geissman, and Chris K. Mawer The Saddle Island detachment; An evolving shear zone in the Lake Mead area, Nevada, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Angela J. Sewall, and Eugene I. Smith Sedimentologic and stratigraphic constraints on the Neogene translation and rotation of the Frenchman Mountain structural block, Clark County, Nevada, Stephen M. Rowland, Joseph R. Parolini, Edward Eschner, Alonzo J. McAllister, and Jonathan A. Rice Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics of the Sevier thrust belt in the Virgin River Valley area, southern Nevada, Gary J. Axen, Brian P. Wernicke, Michael F. Skelly, and Wanda J. Taylor Fault kinematics and estimates of strain partitioning of a Neogene extensional fault system in southeastern Nevada, G. Michel-Noël, R. Ernest Anderson, and Jacques Angelier Spatial and temporal relations of Cenozoic volcanism and extension in the North Pahroc and Seaman Ranges, eastern Nevada, Wanda J. Taylor Tertiary normal faults superimposed on Mesozoic thrusts, Quinn Canyon and Grant Ranges, Nye County, Nevada, John M. Bartley and Gayle Gleason Shallow crustal deformation in the Pahranagat area, southern Nevada, A. S. Jayko Superposed Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation, Indian Springs Quadrangle, southern Nevada, Peter L. Guth Tectonic setting of Yucca Mountain, southwest Nevada, Robert B. Scott Styles of extension in the Nevada Test Site region, southern, Walker Lane Belt; An integration of volcano-tectonic and detachment fault models, W. J. Carr Effect of Cenozoic extension on Mesozoic thrust surfaces in the central and southern Funeral Mountains, Death Valley, California, Ibrahim Cemen and Lauren A. Wright Late Cenozoic extensional and compressional tectonism in the southern and western Avawatz Mountains, southeastern California, Jon E. Spencer Structural styles across an extensional orogen, Result from the COCORP Mojave and Death Valley seismic transects, Laura Serpa Uplift and exposure of the Panamint metamorphic complex, California, Theodore C. Labotka and Arden L. Albee Constraints on the kinematics and liming of late Miocene-Recent extension between the Panamint and Black Mountains, southeastern California, L. W. McKenna and K. V. Hodges Structural unroofing of the central Panamant Mountains, Death Valley region, southeastern California, K. V. Hodges, L. W. McKenna, and M. B. Harding Geochemistry of Mio-Pliocene volcanic rocks from around Panamint Valley, Death Valley area, California, Drew S. Coleman and J. Douglas Walker Listric normal faulting and synorogenic sedimentation, northern Cottonwood Mountains, Death Valley region, California, J. Kent Snow and Carolyn White Changing patterns of extensional tectonics, Overprinting of the basin of the middle and upper Miocene Esmeralda Formation in western Nevada by younger structural basins, John H. Stewart and David S. Diamond Reconstruction of extensionally dismembered early Mesozoic sedimentary basins; Southwestern Colorado Plateau to the eastern Mojave Desert, John E. Marzolf Index |