Balanced Palinspastic Reconstruction of Pre-Late Cenozoic Paleogeology, Southern California: Geologic and Kinematic Constraints on Evolution of the San Andreas Fault System, R. E. Powell
Paleogeographic Evolution of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: A Reconstruction Based on a New Cross-Fault Correlation, J. C. Matti and D. M. Morton
A Speculative History of the San Andreas Fault in the Central Transverse Ranges, California, R. J. Weldon, II, K. E. Meisling, and J. Alexander
Displacement on the Southern San Andreas Fault, J. T. Dillon and P. L. Ehlig
Extension a Contraction Within an Evolving Divergent Strike-Slip Fault Complex. The San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones at Their Convergence in Southern California, D. M. Morton and J. C. Matti
Chronology of Displacement on the San Andreas Fault in Central California: Evidence from Reversed Positions of Exotic Rock Bodies near Parkfield, California, J. D. Sims
Evaluation of Displacements of Pre- Tertiary Rocks on the Northern San Andreas Fault Using U-Pb Zircon Dating, Initial Sr, and Common Pb Isotopic Ratios, E. W. James, D. L. Kimbrough, and J. M. Mattinson
Whole-Rock K-Ar Ages and Geochemical Data from Middle Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks, Southern California: A Test of Correlations Across the San Andreas Fault, V. A. Frizzell, Jr., and P. W. Weigand
The Mill Creek Basin, the Potato Sandstone, and Fault Strands in the San Andreas Fault Zone South of the San Bernardino Mountains, P. M. Sadler, A. Demirer, D. West, and J. M. Hillenbrand
The Santa Ana Basin of the Central San Bernardino Mountains. Evidence of the Timing of Uplift and Strike Slip Relative to the San Gabriel Mountains, P. M. Sadler
Description of Map Units (Plates I and 11) and Correlation of Map Units
Plate I. Geologic Map of Southern and Central California
Plate IIA. Paleogeologic Map ca. 5 or 6 Ma
Plate IIB. Paleogeologic Map ca. 10 to 13 Ma
Plate IIC. Paleogeologic Map ca. 20 Ma +/- 2 Ma
Plate IIIA. Generalized Geologic Map of Southern California Showing Rock Units, Faults, and Geographic Locations Discussed in Chapter 2
Plate IIIB. Palinspastic Reconstruction for the San Andreas and San Gabriel Fault Zones Based on Restoration of the Triassic Liebre Mountain and Mill Creek Megaporphyry Bodies
Plate IV. Charts Showing Age and Correlation of Early Miocene Through Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks Displaced by Various Strands of the San Andreas Fault System
Plate V. Distribution and Geologic Relations of Fault Systems in the Vicinity of the Central Transverse Ranges, Southern California