GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Memoir 179:

Out of Print

Regional Geology of Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming

Dedication to Steven S. Oriel (1923-1986)


The Track of the Yellowstone Hot Spot: Volcanism, Faulting, and Uplift, K. L. Pierce and L. A. Morgan

Structural Evolution of Piggyback Basins in the Wyoming-Idaho- Utah Thrust Belt, J. C. Coogan

Tertiary Paleogeologic Maps of the Western Idaho- Wyoming-Montana Thrust Bell, D. W. Rodgers and S. U. Janecke

Cretaceous Thrusting and Neogene Block Rotation in the Northern Portneuf Range Region, Southeastern Idaho, K. S. Kellogg

LaBarge Meadows Cross-Strike Structural Discontinuity and Lateral Ramping in the Absaroka Thrust System, J. D. Fowles and N. B. Woodward

Transpression During Tectonic Evolution of the Idaho- Wyoming Fold-and-Thrust Belt, J. P. Craddock

Middle and Late Proterozoic Rocks and Late Proterozoic Tectonics in the Southern Beaverhead Mountains, Idaho and Montana: A Preliminary Report, B. Skipp and P. K. Link

Segmentation and Paleoseismicity of the Grand Valley Fault, Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming, L. A. Piety, J. T. Sullivan, and M. H. Anders

Possible Laramide Influence on the Teton Normal Fault, Western Wyoming, D. R. Lageson

Structural Features and Emplacement of Surficial Gravity-Slide Sheets, Northern Idaho- Wyoming Thrust Belt, S. E. Boyer and J. R. Hossack

Stratigraphic Relations and Paleomagnetic and Geochemical Correlations of Ignimbrites of the Heise Volcanic Field, Eastern Snake River Plain, Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming, L. A. Morgan

An Overview of Basaltic Volcanism of the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, M. A. Kuntz, H. R. Covington, and L. J. Schoff

Quaternary Stratigraphy of an Area Northeast of American Falls Reservoir, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, B. B. Houser

A Model-Based Perspective of Basaltic Volcanism, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, M. A. Kuntz
