An Introduction to the Ups and Downs of Eustasy, Robert H. Dott, Jr.
De Maillet's Telliamed (1748): The Diminution of the Sea or the Fall Portion of a Complete Cosmic Eustatic Cycle, Albert V. Carozzi
Eduard Suess and European Thought on Phanerozoic Eustasy, A. Hallam
T. C. Chamberlin's Hypothesis of Diastrophic Control of Worldwide Changes of Sea Level: A Precursor of Sequence Stratigraphy, Robert H. Dott, Jr.
A. W Grabau's Embryonic Sequence Stratigraphy and Eustatic Curve, Markes E. Johnson
The Cyclothemic Concept in the Illinois Basin: A Review, Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr., and W. John Nelson
R. C Moore and Concepts of Sea-Level Change in the Midcontinent, Rex C. Buchanan and Christopher G. Maples
The Evolution of Seismic Stratigraphy and the Global Sea-Level Curve, Peter R. Vail
A Challenge. Is It Possible to Determine Eustasy and Does It Matter? Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Philip Moore, Gregory Whittle, and Robert Cannon