Table of Contents - MWR186: Stratigraphy and Paleoenvirnoments of Late Quaternary Valley Fills on the Southern High Plains

Preface and Acknowledgments



Environmental Setting
History of Investigations
The 1988–1992 Research

Geologic and Geomorphic Background

Geologic Setting
Origins and Early History of the Draws
The Older Valley Fill and Development of Individual Drainages
Geomorphic Characteristics and Hydrogeology

Stratigraphy of the Valley Fills

Stratum 1
Stratum 2
Stratum 3
Stratum 4
Stratum 5

Paleontology, Paleobotany, and Stable Isotopes

Fossil Biosilicates
Insect Fossils
Stable Isotopes
Molluscan Remains

Summary, Discussion, and Conclusions

Late Pleistocene: Drainage Evolution
Latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene: Alluvial, Lacustrine, and Palustrine Deposition
Early to Middle Holocene: Eolian Deposition
Late Holocene: Stability and Alluvial, Eolian, and Palustrine Deposition

Appendix 1. Field Methods and Descriptions of Cores and Sections

Appendix 2. Radiocarbon Dating the Valley Fill

References Cited


GSA Data Repository 9541:

Appendix A. Descriptions of Sites

Appendix B. Laboratory Methods and Data

Appendix C. Paleontological and Paleobotanical Methods

Appendix D. Historic Springs in the Draws of the Southern High Plains