Table of Contents - MWR187: Gondwana Master Basin of Peninsular India between Teyhys and the Interior of the Gondwanaland Province of Pangea



Pre-Gondwanan History

Succession of the Gondwana Master Basin

Stages and Formations
Sedimentary-Tectonic Events

Paleogeographic Synthesis

Initial Relaxation of the Pangean Platform
Palynologic Composition I or Talchir Stage
Palynologic Compositions II and III or Karharbari and Barakar Stages
Palynologic Composition IV or Barren Measures Stage
Palynologic Composition V or Raniganj Stage
Palynologic Composition VI or Panchet Stage
Mid-Triassic (Anisian-Ladinian) Stage
Carnian Stage
Latest Triassic (Norian-Rhaetic) to Early Jurassic Stage
Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Stage
Late Cretaceous Stage
K/T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) Stage

Connections with Tethys and Gondwanaland

Global Scene at the 250-Ma Permian/Triassic Boundary
Late Carboniferous (320 to 290 Ma)
Carboniferous/Permian Boundary (290 to 275 Ma)
Artinskian (265 Ma)
Kungurian-Ufimian (260 Ma)
Tatarian (253 Ma)
Early Scythian (247 Ma)
Late Triassic (230 to 208 Ma.
Earliest Jurassic Deformation
Early Cretaceous, Aptian (MO = 118 Ma)

Connections Between India, Antarctica, Australia, and Africa

Radial Drainage System about the Ancestral Gamburtsev.Mountains
Radial Drainage System Disrupted by Pangean Rifting
Comparison of Damodar Basins with the Collie Basin

Pangean Tectonics and Stratigraphy

(1) 320- to 290-Ma Lacuna and Glacials I
(2) 290-Ma Pangean Extension I and Glacials II
(3) Coal
(4) Coal Gap
(5) Gondwanides 11 (-233 Ma)
(6) 230-Ma (Carnian) Onset of Pangean Extension II and Coal II
(7) Earliest Jurassic (208 Ma) Block-Faulting by Right-Lateral Transcurrence
(8) Early Cretaceous Breakup of India from Antarctica and Australia


Appendix 1. Notes on Time-Correlation of the Gondwana Formations

References Cited
