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Table of Contents - Memoir 191The Nature of Magmatism in the Appalachian Orogen |
Preface | v | |
Acknowledgments | vii | |
1. | The Northeast Kingdom batholith, Vermont: Geochronology and Nd, O, Pb, and Sr isotopic constraints on the origin of Acadian granitic rocks Joseph G. Arth and Robert A. Ayuso |
1 |
2. | The Spruce Head composite pluton: An example of mafic to silicic Salinian magmatism in coastal Maine, northern Appalachians Robert A. Ayuso and Joseph G. Arth |
19 |
3. | Late Precambrian plutons in the Avalon terrane of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland Sandra M. Barr and Andrew Kerr |
45 |
4. | Geochemistry and petrogenesis of tonalite dikes in the Smith River allochthon, south-central Virginia James S. Beard |
75 |
5. | Fractionation and contamination of Maquereau Group lavas, southern Gaspé, Québec Appalachians Jean H. Bédard and Caroline Wilson |
87 |
6. | Late Devonian mafic-felsic magmatism in the Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia D. Barrie Clarke, Michael A. MacDonald, and Marcus C. Tate |
107 |
7. | Rift and ocean floor volcanism from the Late Proterozoic and early Paleozoic of the Vermont Appalachians R. A. Coish |
129 |
8. | Igneous petrogenesis and tectonic setting of granitic rocks from the eastern Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont Alabama Appalachians Mark S. Drummond, Michael J. Neilson, David T. Allison, and James R Tull |
147 |
9. | ND and SR isotopic characterization of crystalline rocks from the southern Appalachian Piedmont and Blue Ridge, North and South Carolina Paul D. Fullagar, Steven A. Goldberg, and J. Robert Butler |
165 |
10. | Age and origin of the Austell Gneiss, western Georgia Piedmont-Blue Ridge, and its bearing on the ages of orogenic events in the southern Appalachians Michael W. Higgins, Joseph G. Arth, Joseph L. Wooden, Thomas J. Crawford, Thomas W. Stem, and Ralph F. Crawford |
181 |
11. | Space-time composition relationships among Appalachian-cycle plutonic suites in Newfoundland Andrew Kerr |
193 |
12. | Concord plutonic suite: Pre-Acadian gabbro-syenite intrusions in the southern Appalachians Harry Y McSween, Jr., and Ralph P. Harvey |
221 |
13. | Low-potassium, trondhjemitic to granodioritic plutonism in the eastern Blue Ridge, southwestern North Carolina-northeastern Georgia C.F. Miller, Paul D. Fullagar, T. W. Sando, S. A. Kish, G. C. Solomon, G. S. Russell, and L. F. Wood Steltenpohl |
235 |
14. | Tectonic influence on Late Proterozoic Avalonian magmatism: An example from the Greendale complex, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada J. Brendan Murphy, Andrew J. Hynes, and Brian Cousens |
255 |
15. | Igneous and metamorphic U-Pb zircon ages from the Baltimore mafic complex, Maryland Piedmont A. Krishna Sinha, Barry B. Hanan, and David M. Wayne |
275 |
16. | Elemental composition of the Alleghanian granitoid plutons of the southern Appalachians J. Alexander Speer and Kevin Hoff |
287 |
17. | Chemical variation in plutonic rocks caused by residual melt migration: Implications for granite petrogenesis LeeAnn Srogi and Timothy M. Lutz |
309 |
18. | Magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Cambrian-Ordovician Laurentian margin of Iapetus: Geochemical and isotopic constraints from the Notre Dame subzone, Newfoundland H. Scott Swinden, G. A. Jenner, and Z. A. Szybinski |
337 |
19. | Implications of granitoid geochemical and isotopic (ND, 0, Pb) data from the Cambrian-Ordovician Notre Dame arc for the evolution of the Central Mobile belt, Newfoundland Appalachians Joseph B. Whalen, George A. Jenner, Frederick J. Longstaffe, Clément Gariépy, and Brian J. Fryer |
367 |
20. | The Cadillac Mountain intrusive complex, Maine: The role of shallow-level magma chamber processes in the generation of A-type granites Robert A. Wiebe, Jonathan B. Holden, Michelle L. Coombs, Reinhard A. Wobus, Kathleen J. Schuh, and Benjamin P. Plummer |
397 |
Index | 419 |