GSA BookstoreTable of Contents - Memoir 193Tectonic Modeling: A Volume in Honor of Hans Ramberg |
Preface | |
Introduction: Hans Ramberg and this volume Christopher J. Talbot |
1. | Types of transpressional and transtensional deformation Subir Kumar Ghosh |
2. | Experimental modeling of strike-slip faults and the self-similar behavior Martin P.J. Schšpfer and Hans Peter Steyrer |
3. | Finite-element approach to deformation with diffusive mass transfer Brian Bayly and D.H. Minkel |
4. | Modeling of anisotropic grain growth in minerals Paul D. Bons, Mark W. Jessell, Lynn Evans, Terence Barr, and Kurt StŸwe |
5. | Modifications of early lineations during later folding in simple shear Sudipta Sengupta and Hemin A. Koyi |
6. | Single-layer folds developed from initial random perturbations: The effects of probability distribution, fractal dimension, phase, and amplitude Neil S. Mancktelow |
7. | Experimental study of single layer folding in nonlinear materials Tatiana Tentler |
8. | Sheath fold development in bulk simple shear: Analogue modeling of natural examples from the Southern Iberian Variscan fold belt Filipe M. Rosas, Fernando O. Marques, Sara Coelho, and Paulo Fonseca |
9. | Modeling the role of erosion in diapir development in contractional settings Maura Sans and Hemin A. Koyi |
10. | Diapirism in convergent settings triggered by hinterland pinch-out of viscous
decollement: A hypothesis from modeling Elisabetta Costa and Bruno Vendeville |
11. | Salt tectonics and sedimentation along Atlantic margins: Insights from seismic interpretation and physical models Webster Ueipass Mohriak and Peter Szatmari |
12. | Compressional structures in a multilayered mechanical stratigraphy: Insights from sandbox modeling with
three-dimensional variations in basal geometry and friction Claudio Turrini, Antonio Ravaglia, and Cesare Perotti |
13. | Four-dimensional analysis of analog models: Experiments on transfer zones in fold and thrust belts Guido Schreurs, Reto HŠnni, and Peter Vock |
14. | Effective indenters and the development of double-vergent orogens: Insights from analogue sand models Katarina S. Persson |
15. | Horses and duplexes in extensional regimes: A scale-modeling contribution Roy H. Gabrielsen and Jill A. Clausen |
16. | Crustal rheology and its effect on rift basin styles Anthony P. Gartrell |
17. | New apparatus for controlled general flow modeling of analog materials Sandra Piazolo, Saskia M. ten Grotenhuis, and Cees W. Passchier |
18. | New apparatus for thermomechanical analogue modeling Elmar M. Wosnitza, Djordje Grujic, Robert Hofmann, and Jan H. Behrmann |
19. | Modeling of temperature-dependent strength in orogenic wedges: First results from a new thermomechanical apparatus Federico Rossetti, Claudio Faccenna, Giorgio Ranalli, Renato Funiciello, and Fabrizio Storti |
20. | Flow and fracturing of clay: Analogue experiments in bulk pure shear Fernando O. Marques |
Index |