GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Memoir 193

Tectonic Modeling: A Volume in Honor of Hans Ramberg

Introduction: Hans Ramberg and this volume
Christopher J. Talbot
1. Types of transpressional and transtensional deformation
Subir Kumar Ghosh
2. Experimental modeling of strike-slip faults and the self-similar behavior
Martin P.J. Schšpfer and Hans Peter Steyrer
3. Finite-element approach to deformation with diffusive mass transfer
Brian Bayly and D.H. Minkel
4. Modeling of anisotropic grain growth in minerals
Paul D. Bons, Mark W. Jessell, Lynn Evans, Terence Barr, and Kurt StŸwe
5. Modifications of early lineations during later folding in simple shear
Sudipta Sengupta and Hemin A. Koyi
6. Single-layer folds developed from initial random perturbations: The effects of probability distribution, fractal dimension, phase, and amplitude
Neil S. Mancktelow
7. Experimental study of single layer folding in nonlinear materials
Tatiana Tentler
8. Sheath fold development in bulk simple shear: Analogue modeling of natural examples from the Southern Iberian Variscan fold belt
Filipe M. Rosas, Fernando O. Marques, Sara Coelho, and Paulo Fonseca
9. Modeling the role of erosion in diapir development in contractional settings
Maura Sans and Hemin A. Koyi
10. Diapirism in convergent settings triggered by hinterland pinch-out of viscous decollement: A hypothesis from modeling
Elisabetta Costa and Bruno Vendeville
11. Salt tectonics and sedimentation along Atlantic margins: Insights from seismic interpretation and physical models
Webster Ueipass Mohriak and Peter Szatmari
12. Compressional structures in a multilayered mechanical stratigraphy: Insights from sandbox modeling with three-dimensional variations in basal geometry and friction
Claudio Turrini, Antonio Ravaglia, and Cesare Perotti
13. Four-dimensional analysis of analog models: Experiments on transfer zones in fold and thrust belts
Guido Schreurs, Reto HŠnni, and Peter Vock
14. Effective indenters and the development of double-vergent orogens: Insights from analogue sand models
Katarina S. Persson
15. Horses and duplexes in extensional regimes: A scale-modeling contribution
Roy H. Gabrielsen and Jill A. Clausen
16. Crustal rheology and its effect on rift basin styles
Anthony P. Gartrell
17. New apparatus for controlled general flow modeling of analog materials
Sandra Piazolo, Saskia M. ten Grotenhuis, and Cees W. Passchier
18. New apparatus for thermomechanical analogue modeling
Elmar M. Wosnitza, Djordje Grujic, Robert Hofmann, and Jan H. Behrmann
19. Modeling of temperature-dependent strength in orogenic wedges: First results from a new thermomechanical apparatus
Federico Rossetti, Claudio Faccenna, Giorgio Ranalli, Renato Funiciello, and Fabrizio Storti
20. Flow and fracturing of clay: Analogue experiments in bulk pure shear
Fernando O. Marques