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Table of Contents - Memoir 197

Proterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Grenville Orogen in North America

Edited by Richard P. Tollo, Louise Corriveau, James McLelland, and Mervin J. Bartholomew


Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America: An introduction
Richard P. Tollo, Louise Coniveau, James McLelland, and Mervin J. Bartholomew

Canadian Grenville Province
1. Cordierite-orthopyroxene white gneiss: A key to unveiling premetamorphic hydrothermal activity in the Bondy gneiss complex, Grenville Province, Québec
Olivier Blein, Louise Corriveau, and Marc R.-LaFlèche
2. Granulite-facies P-T-t paths and the influence of retrograde cation diffusion during polyphase orogenesis, western Grenville Province, Québec
Katherine J.E. Boggs and Louise Corriveau
3. Mesoproterozoic basement of the Lac St. Jean Anorthosite Suite and younger Grenvillian intrusions in the Saguenay region, Québec: Structural relationships and U-Pb geochronology
Claude Hdben and Otto van Breemen
4. Low-variance sapphirine-bearing assemblages from Wilson Lake, Grenville Province of Labrador
Fawna J. Korhonen and James H. Stout
5. High-pressure granulites in the Grenvillian Grand Lake thrust system, Labrador: Pressure-temperature conditions and tectonic evolution
Jason B. Krauss and Toby Rivers
6. Neoproterozoic juvenile crust development in the peri-Rodinian ocean: Implications for Grenvillian orogenesis
J.Brendan Murphy, Jaroslav Dostal, R. Damian Nance, and J. Duncan Keppie
7. A Ni-Cu-Co-PGE massive sulfide prospect in a gabbronorite dike at Lac Volant, eastern Grenville Province, Québec
Hassan Nabil, Thomas Clark, and Sarah-Jane Bames
8. Oxygen-isotope constraints on terrane boundaries and origin of 1.18–1.13 Ga granitoids in the southern Grenville Province
William H. Peck, John W. Valley, Louise Corriveau, Anthony Davidson, James McLelland, and David A. Farber
9. L-S shape fabrics in the Mazinaw domain and the issue of northwest-directed thrusting in the Composite Arc Belt, southeastern Ontario
Walfried M. Schwerdtner, Matthew W. Downey, and Sharyn A. Alexander
10. Early Mesoproterozoic tectonic history of the southwestern Grenville Province, Ontario: Constraints from geochemistry and geochronology of high-grade gneisses
Trond Slagstad, Nicholas G. Culshaw, Rebecca A. Jan-deson, and John W.F. Ketchum
11. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Bondy gneiss complex: Evidence for circa 1.39 Ga arc magmatism and polyphase Grenvillian metamorphism in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, Québec
Natasha Wodicka, Louise Corriveau, and Richard A. Steam

Adirondack Massif
12. Unraveling growth history of zircon in anatectites from the northeast Adirondack Highlands, New York: Constraints on pressure-temperature-time paths
J.Alcock, Clark Isachsen, Kenneth Livi, and Peter Muller
13. Deformation of the Diana syenite and Carthage-Colton mylonite zone: Implications for timing of Adirondack Lowlands deformation
Graham B. Baird and William D. MacDonald
14. Slow cooling and apparent tilting of the Adirondack Lowlands, Grenville Province, New York, based on 40Ar/39Ar ages
Peter S. Dahl, Mark E. Pomfrey, and Kenneth A. Foland
15. Petrogenesis of prismatine-bearing metapelitic gneisses along the Moose River, west-central Adirondacks, New York
Robert S. Darling, Frank P Florence, Gregory W. Lester, and Philip R. Whitney
16. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of the anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite suite, Adirondack Mountains, New York: Ages of emplacement and metamorphism
Michael A. Hamilton, James McLelland, and Bruce Selleck
17. Right lateral oblique slip movements followed by post-Ottawan (1050–1020 Ma) orogenic collapse along the Carthage-Colton shear zone: Data from the Dana Hill metagabbro body, Adirondack Mountains, New York
Eric L. Johnson, Eric T. Goergen, and Benjamin L. Fruchey
18. Magmatic-hydrothermal leaching and origin of late to post-tectonic quartz-rich rocks, Adirondack Highlands, New York
Bruce Selleck, James McLelland, and Michael A. Haniilton
19. Exhumation of a collisional orogen: A perspective from the North American Grenville Province
Margaret M. Streepey, Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, Ben A. van der Pluijm, Eric J. Essene, and Jerry F. Magloughlin

Appalachian Inliers
20. Deciphering multiple Mesoproterozoic and Paleozoic events recorded in zircon and titanite from the Baltimore Gneiss, Maryland: SEM imaging, SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology, and EMP analysis
John N. Aleinikoff, J. Wright Horton Jr., Avery A. Drake Jr., Robert R Wintsch, C. Mark Fanning, and Keewook Yi
21. Geochemical stratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Catoctin volcanic province, central Appalachians
Robert L. Badger and A. Krishna Sinha
22. Detrital zircon ages and Nd isotopic data from the southern Appalachian crystalline core, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee: New provenance constraints for part of the Laurentian margin
Brendan R. Bream, Robert D. Hatcher Jr., Calvin F. Miller, and Paul D. Fullagar
23. Tectonic evolution of the northern Blue Ridge massif, Virginia and Maryland
William C. Burton and Scott Southworth
24. Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic crustal growth in the eastern Grenville Province: Nd isotope evidence from the Long Range inlier of the Appalachian orogen
Alan P. Dickin
25. Geochemistry of the Late Mesoproterozoic Mount Eve granite suite: Implications for Late to post-Ottawan tectonics in the New Jersey–Hudson Highlands
Matthew L. Gorring, Todd C. Estelle, and Richard A. Volkert
26. Paleozoic structure of internal basement massifs, southern Appalachian Blue Ridge, incorporating new geochronologic, Nd and Sr isotopic, and geochemical data
Robert D. Hatcher Jr., Brendan R. Bream, Calvin F Miller, James 0. Eckert Jr., Paul D. Fullagar, and Charles W. Carrigan
27. Geology and geochemistry of granitic and charnockitic rocks in the central Lovingston massif of the Grenvillian Blue Ridge terrane
Scott S. Hughes, Sharon E. Lewis, Mervin J. Bartholomew, A. Krishna Sinha, and Norman Herz
28. Compositional zoning of a Neoproterozoic ash-flow sheet of the Mount Rogers Formation, southwestern Virginia Blue Ridge, and the aborted rifting of Laurentia
Steven W. Novak and Douglas W. Rankin
29. Nd isotopic constraints on the magmatic history of the Goochland terrane, easternmost Grenvillian crust in the southern Appalachians
Brent E. Owens and Scott D. Samson
30. U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of a portion of the Mars Hill terrane, North Carolina–Tennessee: Constraints on origin, history, and tectonic assembly
Steven E. Ownby, Calvin F. Miller, Peter J. Berquist, Charles W. Carrigan, Joseph L. Wooden, and Paul D. Fullagar
31. Pre-Appalachian tectonic evolution of the Pine Mountain window in the southernmost Appalachians, Alabama and Georgia
Mark G. Steltenpohl, Ann Heatherington, Paul Mueller, and Joseph L. Wooden
32. Petrologic and geochronologic evolution of the Grenville orogen, northern Blue Ridge Province, Virginia
Richard P. Tollo, John N. Aleinikoff, Elizabeth A. Borduas, Paul C. Hackley, and C. Mark Fanning
33. Deciphering the Grenville of the southern Appalachians through evaluation of the post-Grenville tectonic history in northwestern North Carolina
Charles H. Trupe, Kevin G. Stewart, Mark G. Adams, and John P. Foudy
34. Mesoproterozoic rocks of the New Jersey Highlands, north-central Appalachians: Petrogenesis and tectonic history
Richard A. Volken
35. U-Pb geochronology and evolution of Mesoproterozoic basement rocks, western Connecticut
Gregory J. Walsh, John N. Aleinikoff, and C. Mark Fanning

Texas and Mexico
36. U-Pb geochronology and Pb isotopic compositions of leached feldspars: Constraints on the origin and evolution of Grenville rocks from eastern and southern Mexico
Kenneth L. Cameron, Robert Lopez, Fernando Ortega-Guti6rrez, Luigi A. Solari, J. Duncan Keppie, and Carlos Schulze
37. U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the cooling history of the northern Oaxacan Complex, southern Mexico: Tectonic implications
J. Duncan Keppie, Luigi A. Solari, Fernando Ortega-Gutiérrez, Amabel Ortega-Rivera, James K.W. Lee, Robert Lopez, and Willis E. Hames
38. Tectonic evolution of the eastern Llano uplift, central Texas: A record of Grenville orogenesis along the southern Laurentian margin
Sharon Mosher, April M. Hoh, Jostin A. Zumbro, and Joseph F. Reese
