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Table of Contents - Memoir 200 (MWR200)4-D Framework of Continental Crustedited by Robert D. Hatcher, Jr., Marvin P. Carlson, John H. McBride, and José R. Martínez Catalán |
Preface R.D. Hatcher Jr., M.P. Carlson, J.H. McBride, and J.R. Martínez Catalán |
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1. | The secular evolution of plate tectonics and the continental crust: An outline J.F. Dewey |
1 |
2. | Crustal recycling at modern subduction zones applied to the past—Issues of growth and preservation of continental basement crust, mantle geochemistry, and supercontinent reconstruction D.W. Scholl and R. von Huene |
9 |
3. | Crustal recycling in the Appalachian foreland W.A. Thomas and T.P. Becker |
33 |
4. | Diagnostic features and processes in the construction and evolution of Oman-, Zagros-, Himalayan-, Karakoram-, and Tibetan-type orogenic belts M.P. Searle |
41 |
5. | Continental growth and recycling by accretion of deformed turbidite fans and remnant ocean basins: Examples from Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic D.R. Gray, D.A. Foster, R. Maas, C.V. Spaggiari, R.T. Gregory, B. Goscombe, and K.H. Hoffmann |
63 |
6. | Pure shear dominated high-strain zones in basement terranes C.M. Bailey, L.E. Polvi, and A.M. Forte |
93 |
7. | Scale independence of décollement thrusting J.H. McBride, A.J.M. Pugin, and R.D. Hatcher Jr. |
109 |
8. | The Southern Oklahoma and Dniepr-Donets aulacogens: A comparative analysis G.R. Keller and R.A. Stephenson |
127 |
9. | Accretionary orogens in space and time K.C. Condie |
145 |
10. | Petrotectonics, climate, crustal thickness, and evolution of geologically young orogenic belts W.G. Ernst |
159 |
11. | Accretionary growth and crust formation in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and comparison with the Arabian-Nubian Shield A. Kröner, B.F. Windley, G. Badarch, O. Tomurtogoo, E. Hegner, B.M. Jahn, S. Gruschka,E.V. Khain, A. Demoux, and M.T.D. Wingate |
181 |
12. | Mid-crustal Late Cretaceous metamorphism in the Nason terrane, Cascades crystalline core, Washington, USA: Implications for tectonic models H.H. Stowell, G.R. Bulman, C.A. Zuluaga, D.K. Tinkham, R.B. Miller, and E. Stein |
211 |
13. | Earth’s first two billion years—The era of internally mobile crust W.B. Hamilton |
233 |
14. | Proterozoic accretionary belts in the Amazonian Craton U.G. Cordani and W. Teixeira |
297 |
15. | Precambrian accretionary history and Phanerozoic structures—A unified explanation for the tectonic architecture of the Nebraska region, USA M.P. Carlson |
321 |
16. | Precambrian blocks and orogen boundaries in the north-central United States determined from gravity and magnetic data K. Mickus |
327 |
17. | Variations in lithospheric structure across the margin of Baltica in Central Europe and the role of the Variscan and Carpathian orogenies M. Grad, A. Guterch, G.R. Keller, and POLONAISE’97 and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Groups |
341 |
18. | The Uppermost Allochthon in the Scandinavian Caledonides: From a Laurentian ancestry through Taconian orogeny to Scandian crustal growth on Baltica D. Roberts, Ø. Nordgulen, and V. Melezhik |
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19. | Gondwana-derived terranes in the northern Hellenides F. Himmerkus, B. Anders, T. Reischmann, and D. Kostopoulos |
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20. | Variscan thrust nappes, detachments, and strike-slip faults in the French Massif Central: Interpretation of the lineations P. Matte |
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21. | Space and time in the tectonic evolution of the northwestern Iberian Massif: Implications for the comprehension of the Variscan belt J.R. Martínez Catalán, R. Arenas, F. Díaz García, P. González Cuadra, J. Gómez-Barreiro, J. Abati, P. Castiñeiras, J. Fernández-Suárez, S. Sánchez Martínez, P. Andonaegui, E. González Clavijo, A. Díez Montes, F.J. Rubio Pascual, and B. Valle Aguado |
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22. | Paleozoic ophiolites in the Variscan suture of Galicia (northwest Spain): Distribution, characteristics, and meaning R. Arenas, J.R. Martínez Catalán, S. Sánchez Martínez, F. Díaz García, J. Abati, J. Fernández-Suárez, P. Andonaegui, and J. Gómez-Barreiro |
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23. | Geochemistry of two associated ophiolites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (Variscan Belt of NW Spain) S. Sánchez Martínez, R. Arenas, P. Andonaegui, J.R. Martínez Catalán, and J.A. Pearce |
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24. | U-Pb chronometry of polymetamorphic high-pressure granulites: An example from the allochthonous terranes of the NW Iberian Variscan Belt J. Fernández-Suárez, R. Arenas, J. Abati, J.R. Martínez Catalán, M.J. Whitehouse, and T.E. Jeffries |
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25. | Flexural to broken foreland basin evolution as a result of Variscan collisional events in northwestern Spain M. Keller, H. Bahlburg, C.D. Reuther, and A. Weh |
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26. | The Notre Dame arc and the Taconic orogeny in Newfoundland C.R. van Staal, J.B. Whalen, V.J. McNicoll, S. Pehrsson, C.J. Lissenberg, A. Zagorevski, O. van Breemen, and G.A. Jenner |
511 |
27. | The Cat Square terrane: Possible Siluro-Devonian remnant ocean basin in the Inner Piedmont, southern Appalachians, USA A.J. Merschat and R.D. Hatcher Jr. |
553 |
28. | Rifted-margin architecture, cover stratigraphy, and structure of basement culminations, frontal Appalachian Blue Ridge, Georgia, USA J.F. Tull |
567 |
29. | Tectonic map of the southern and central Appalachians: A tale of three orogens and a complete Wilson cycle R.D. Hatcher Jr., B.R. Bream, and A.J. Merschat |
595 |
Index | 633 |