GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG005)

Geology Under Cities

Digby J. McLaren

Robert F. Legget

The geology beneath Washington, D. C.—The foundations of a nation's capital
John C. Reed, Jr., and Stephen F. Obermeier

Bedrock and Quaternary geology of the Boston area, Massachusetts
Clifford A. Kaye

Geology and deep tunnels in Chicago
T. C. Buschbach, R. T. Cyrier, and G. E. Heim

Effects of geology on the development of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
N. W. Rutter and S. Thomson

Geology and space beneath a city—Kansas City
Eldon J. Parizek

Engineering geology of New Orleans
C. R. Kolb and R. T. Saucier

The foundation geology of New York City
Charles A. Baskerville

Toronto's subsurface geology
Owen L. White

Engineering geology of the Twin Cities area, Minnesota
Matt Walton