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Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG016)Humans as Geologic Agentsedited by Judy Ehlen, William C. Haneberg, and Robert A. Larson |
Preface | v | |
1. | George A. Kiersch: Engineering geology applied to anthropomorphic problems Allen W. Hatheway |
1 |
2. | Effects of human activity on lineation analysis Judy Ehlen |
7 |
3. | Disconnected rivers: Human impacts to rivers in the United States Ellen Wohl |
19 |
4. | The history of the use and effectiveness of instream structures in the United States Douglas M. Thompson |
35 |
5. | Impact of military activities on local and regional geologic conditions Edward P.F. Rose |
51 |
6. | Human influence on the Columbia River littoral cell Richard W. Galster |
67 |
7. | Impacts of coal mining Robert J. Turka and Richard E. Gray |
79 |
8. | Impacts of land subsidence caused by withdrawal of underground fluids in the United States Thomas L. Holzer and Devin L. Galloway |
87 |
9. | Salt dissolution and subsidence or collapse caused by human activities Kenneth S. Johnson |
101 |
10. | The Glen Creek Landslide: A case study in the misuse of the Jahnsian steps during hillside development Philip L. Johnson |
111 |
11. | Hydrogeologic considerations of urban development: Urban-induced recharge Beatriz Garcia-Fresca and John M. Sharp Jr. |
123 |
12. | The relative influence of humans on barrier islands: Humans versus geomorphology Matthew L. Stutz and Orrin H. Pilkey |
137 |
13. | Anthropogenic contribution to gully initiation and propagation in southeastern Nigeria Peter P. Hudec, Frank Simpson, Enuvie G. Akpokodje, and Meschak O. Umenweke |
149 |