GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG017)

Understanding and Responding to Hazardous Substances at Mine Sites in the Western United States

edited by Jerome V. DeGraff

1. Addressing the toxic legacy of abandoned mines on public land in the western United States
Jerome V. DeGraff
2. Characterizing infiltration through a mine-waste dump using electrical geophysical and tracer-injection methods, Clear Creek County, Colorado
Robert R. McDougal and Laurie Wirt
3. Strategies to predict metal mobility in surficial mining environments
Kathleen S. Smith
4. The effects of acidic mine drainage from historical mines in the Animas River watershed, San Juan County, Colorado — What is being done and what can be done to improve water quality?
Stanley E. Church, J. Robert Owen, Paul von Guerard, Philip L. Verplanck, Briant A. Kimball, and Douglas B. Yager
5. Mining-impacted sources of metal loading to an alpine stream based on a tracer-injection study, Clear Creek County, Colorado
David L. Fey and Laurie Wirt
6. On-site repository construction and restoration of the abandoned Silver Crescent lead and zinc mill site, Shoshone County, Idaho
Jeff K. Johnson
7. Approaches to contamination at mercury mill sites: Examples from California and Idaho
Jerome V. DeGraff, Michelle Rogow, and Pat Trainor
8. Approaches to site characterization, reclamation of uranium mine overburden, and neutralization of a mine pond at the White King–Lucky Lass mines site near Lakeview, Oregon
Kent Bostick, Norm Day, Bill Adams, and David B. Ward
9. Passive treatment of acid rock drainage from a subsurface mine
Martin Foote, Helen Joyce, Suzzann Nordwick, and Diana Bless
10. Management of mine process effluents in arid environments
Christopher Ross
11. Sampling and monitoring for closure
Virginia T. McLemore, Kathleen S. Smith, Carol C. Russell, and the Sampling and Monitoring Committee of the Acid Drainage Technology Initiative—Metal Mining Sector