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Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG018)Geology of Coal Fires: Case Studies from Around the Worldedited by Glenn B. Stracher |
Preface | v | |
Acknowledgments | vii | |
Illustrations of coal fires | ix | |
1. | Greenhouse gases generated in underground coal-mine fires Ann G. Kim |
1 |
2. | The spontaneous combustion index and its application: Past, present, and future Sezer Uludağ |
15 |
3. | Geological models of spontaneous combustion in the Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China Daiyong Cao, Xinjie Fan, Haiyan Guan, Chacha Wua, Xiaolei Shi, and Yuerong Jia |
23 |
4. | Survey of experimental work on the self-heating and spontaneous combustion of coal Mark Nelson and Xiao Dong Chen |
31 |
5. | A laboratory study of a reactive surface layer for the prevention of spontaneous combustion Rufaro Kaitano, David Glasser, and Diane Hildebrandt |
85 |
6. | The origin of gas-vent minerals: Isochemical and mass-transfer processes Glenn B. Stracher |
91 |
7. | Combustion metamorphic events resulting from natural coal fires Ellina V. Sokol and Nina I. Volkova |
97 |
8. | Mineralogy and petrography of iron-rich slags and paralavas formed by spontaneous coal combustion, Rotowaro coalfield, North Island, New Zealand M. Naze-Nancy Masalehdani, Philippa M. Black, and Huldrych W. Kobe |
117 |
9. | Paralavas in a combustion metamorphic complex: Hatrurim Basin, Israel Yevgeny Vapnik, Victor V. Sharygin, Ella V. Sokol, and Reginald Shagam |
133 |
10. | Geochronology of clinker and implications for evolution of the Powder River Basin landscape, Wyoming and Montana Edward L. Heffern, Peter W. Reiners, Charles W. Naeser, and Donald A. Coates |
155 |
11. | Possible sources of magnetic anomalies over thermally metamorphosed carbonate rocks of the Mottled Zone in Israel Boris Khesin, Shimon Feinstein, and Sophia Itkis |
177 |
12. | Detecting concealed coal fires Hartwig Gielisch |
199 |
13. | Subsurface coal-mine fires: Laboratory simulation, numerical modeling, and depth estimation Anupma Prakash and Antony R. Berthelote |
211 |
14. | Remotely sensed land-cover changes in the Wuda and Ruqigou-Gulaben coal-mining areas of China Claudia Kuenzer, Jianzhong Zhang, Stefan Voigt, and Wolfgang Wagner |
219 |
15. | Remote-sensing–based coal-fire detection with low-resolution MODIS data Christoph Hecker, Claudia Kuenzer, and Jianzhong Zhang |
229 |
16. | Application of remote sensing in coal-fire studies and coal-fire–related emissions Prasun K. Gangopadhyay |
239 |
17. | Three-dimensional thermal-imaging methodology for detecting underground coal fires Zhang Jianmin, Huan Zhongdan, Sun Yujing, Tian Yuan, Stefan Voigt, and Zhao Xuejun |
249 |
18. | Comparison of Pennsylvania anthracite mine fires: Centralia and Laurel Run Melissa A. Nolter, Daniel H. Vice, and Harold Aurand Jr. |
261 |
19. | Congressional response to coal fires: Illustrating transitions in the policy process Karen M. McCurdy |
271 |
Index | 279 |