GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG019)

Deep Geologic Repositories

edited by Norbert T. Rempe

Preface and acknowledgments vii
1. Carbonaceous substances in Oklo reactors—Analogue for permanent deep geologic disposal of anthropogenic nuclear waste
David J. Mossman, François Gauthier-Lafaye, Adriana Dutkiewicz, and Ralf Brüning
2. Disposal of radioactive waste in rock caverns: Current situation in the Czech Republic
Frantisek Woller
3. Reverse mining—The development of deep geologic isolation of hazardous (chemotoxic) waste in Germany and its international prospects
Hartmut W.J. Schade
4. Underground repositories for chemically toxic waste in German salt and potash mines
Hartmut Behnsen
5. Geological characterization of the Asse salt mine for mining, disposal of radioactive waste, and proof of long-term safety
G. Gärtner, N. Stockmann, H. Fricke, and R. Wallmüller
6. Geological features of the Morsleben repository and their relevance for long-term safety
W. Brewitz, J. Droste, and G. Stier-Friedland
7. Repositories for low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastes in Finland
Timo Äikäs and Pekka Anttila
8. Geological disposal of radioactive waste—Experience from operating facilities in Sweden
Olle Olsson, Tommy Hedman, Bo Sundman, and Christer Svemar
9. Lessons from early site investigations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Dennis W. Powers and Robert M. Holt
10. The French underground research laboratory in Bure as a precursor for deep geological repositories
Jacques Delay, André Lesavre, and Yannick Wileveau
11. Suitability of generic rock to isolate dangerous waste
Bernard L. Cohen