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Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG019)Deep Geologic Repositoriesedited by Norbert T. Rempe |
Preface and acknowledgments | vii | |
1. | Carbonaceous substances in Oklo reactors—Analogue for permanent deep geologic disposal of anthropogenic nuclear waste David J. Mossman, François Gauthier-Lafaye, Adriana Dutkiewicz, and Ralf Brüning |
1 |
2. | Disposal of radioactive waste in rock caverns: Current situation in the Czech Republic Frantisek Woller |
15 |
3. | Reverse mining—The development of deep geologic isolation of hazardous (chemotoxic) waste in Germany and its international prospects Hartmut W.J. Schade |
23 |
4. | Underground repositories for chemically toxic waste in German salt and potash mines Hartmut Behnsen |
31 |
5. | Geological characterization of the Asse salt mine for mining, disposal of radioactive waste, and proof of long-term safety G. Gärtner, N. Stockmann, H. Fricke, and R. Wallmüller |
41 |
6. | Geological features of the Morsleben repository and their relevance for long-term safety W. Brewitz, J. Droste, and G. Stier-Friedland |
53 |
7. | Repositories for low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastes in Finland Timo Äikäs and Pekka Anttila |
67 |
8. | Geological disposal of radioactive waste—Experience from operating facilities in Sweden Olle Olsson, Tommy Hedman, Bo Sundman, and Christer Svemar |
73 |
9. | Lessons from early site investigations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Dennis W. Powers and Robert M. Holt |
81 |
10. | The French underground research laboratory in Bure as a precursor for deep geological repositories Jacques Delay, André Lesavre, and Yannick Wileveau |
97 |
11. | Suitability of generic rock to isolate dangerous waste Bernard L. Cohen |
113 |