GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG021)

The Challenges of Dam Removal and River Restoration

Edited by Jerome V. De Graff and James E. Evans

Foreword v
Preface vii
1. Dam removal: A history of decision points
Laura Wildman
2. Engineering considerations for large dam removals
Thomas E. Hepler
3. Assessing sedimentation issues within aging flood-control reservoirs
Sean J. Bennett, John A. Dunbar, Fred E. Rhoton, Peter M. Allen, Jerry M. Bigham, Gregg R. Davidson, and Daniel G. Wren
4. Using ground-penetrating radar to determine the quantity of sediment stored behind the Merrimack Village Dam, Souhegan River, New Hampshire
J. Santaniello, Noah P. Snyder, and Allen M. Gontz
5. Prediction of sediment erosion after dam removal using a one-dimensional model
Blair Greimann
6. Sediment management at small dam removal sites
James G. MacBroom and Roy Schiff
7. Multiyear assessment of the sedimentological impacts of the removal of the Munroe Falls Dam on the middle Cuyahoga River, Ohio
John A. Peck and Nicholas R. Kasper
8. Sediment impacts from the Savage Rapids Dam removal, Rogue River, Oregon
Jennifer A. Bountry, Yong G. Lai, and Timothy J. Randle
9. Changes in biotic and habitat indices in response to dam removals in Ohio
Kenneth A. Krieger and Bill Zawiski
10. Using airborne remote-sensing imagery to assess flow releases from a dam in order to maximize renaturalization of a regulated gravel-bed river
M.S. Lorang, F.R. Hauer, D.C. Whited, and P.L. Matson
11. Assessing stream restoration potential of recreational enhancements on an urban stream, Springfield, Ohio
John Ritter, Kelly Shaw, Aaron Evelsizor, Katherine Minter, Chad Rigsby, and Kristen Shearer
12. Effects of multiple small stock-pond dams in a coastal watershed in central California: Implications for removing small dams for restoration
J.L. Florsheim, A. Chin, and A. Nichols
13. The shortcomings of “passive” urban river restoration after low-head dam removal, Ottawa River (northwestern Ohio, USA): What the sedimentary record can teach us
J.E. Evans, N. Harris, and L.D. Webb
14. The rise and fall of Mid-Atlantic streams: Millpond sedimentation, milldam breaching, channel incision, and stream bank erosion
Dorothy Merritts, Robert Walter, Michael Rahnis, Scott Cox, Jeffrey Hartranft, Chris Scheid, Noel Potter, Matthew Jenschke, Austin Reed, Derek Matuszewski, Laura Kratz, Lauren Manion, Andrea Shilling, and Katherine Datin