Table of Contents - SPE187: Paleontology in China, 1979

Opening Speech of the Third Assembly and Twelfth National Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of China, Yin Zan-xun

Invertebrate paleontology in China, 1949-1979, Lu Yan-hao, Yu Chang-min, and Chen Pei-ji

Thirty years of micropaleontological research in China, Hao Yi-chun

Vertebrate paleontology in China, 1949-1979, Zhou Ming-zhen

Thirty years of paleobotany in China, 1949-1979, Li Xing-xue, Zhou Zhi-yan, Song Zhi-chen, and Ouyang Shu

On the genus Palaeofusulina, Rui Lin and Sheng Jin-zhang

Lower Cambrian archaeocyathid assemblages of central and southwestern China, Yuan Ke-xing and Zhang Sen-gui

Silurian rugose coral assemblages and paleobiogeography of China, Wang Hong-zhen and Ho Xin-yi

A preliminary study of the rugose corals from the Wase Group of Dali, western Yunnan, Liao Wei-hua

Some new trepostomatous Bryozoa from the Sikuangshan Formation (Famennian) of central Hunan, China, Yang Jing-zhi and Hu Zhoa-xun

Stratigraphic distribution of Brachiopoda in China, Wang Yu, Jin Yu-gan, Liu Di-yong, Xu Han-kui, Rong Jia-yu, Liao Zhuo-ting, Sun Dong-li, and Yang Xue-chang

The genus Jiangxiella and the origin of pseudocardiniids (bivalvia), Liu Lu and Chen Jin-hua

Upper Cambrian cephalopods from western Zhejiang, Chen Jun-yuan and Qi Dun-lun

Provincialism, dispersal, development, and phylogeny of trilobites, Lu Yan-hao

An Early Cambrian trilobite faunule from Yeshan, Luhe District, Jiangsu, Zhu Zhao-ling and Jiang Li-fu

Trilobites from Hsuchuang Formation (lower Middle Cambrian) in western marginal parts of the North China platform, Zhang Wen-tang and Yuan Jing-liang

Systematic position of Sarkia Kloucek (Trilobita), Zhou Zhi-yi

Some Late Devonian trilobites of China, Xiang Li-wen

Paleogene conchostracan faunas of China, Chen Pei-ji and Shen Yan-bin

Two new graptolite genera from the Ningkuo Formation (Lower Ordovician) of Wuning, North Jiangxi, Ni Yu-nan

Recent progress in Cambrian and Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy, of China, An Tai-xiang

Permian conodont biostratigraphy of China, Wang Cheng-yuan and Wang Zhi-hao

On the occurrence of cycadophytes with slender growth habit in the Permian of China, Zhang Shan-zhen and Mo Zhuang-guan

Miocene floristic regions of China, Song Zhi-chen, Li Hao-min, Zheng Ya-hui, and Liu Geng-wu

Chinese personal and geographic names in Wade-Giles and Pinyin romanization, Curt Teichert and Liu Lu