Introduction, D. N. Bearce and J. F. Tull
Stratigraphic framework of the Talladega slate belt, Alabama Appalachians, James F. Tull
Relationship between Talladega belt rocks and Ocoee Supergroup rocks near Cartersville, Georgia, Keith I. McConnell and John O. Costello
Talladega 'Series,' Great Smoky fault, and Emerson fault: Relationships in the Cartersville area, Georgia, Thomas J. Crawford and Charles W. Cressler
Lower Cambrian metasediments of the Appalachian Valley and Ridge province, Alabama; possible relationship with adjacent rocks of the Talladega metamorphic belt, Denny N. Bearce
Stratigraphy and structure of the central Talladega slate belt, Alabama Appalachians, Terry A. Cook
Stratigraphic relationships of the carbonate sequence in the Talladega slate belt, Chilton and Coosa Counties, Alabama, William S. Pendexter
A reinvestigation of the paleobotanical evidence for the age of the Erin Shale, Robert A. Gastaldo and Robert B. Cook
Igneous petrology of the Hillabee Greenstone, Northern Alabama Piedmont, Stephen H. Stow
The Carolina slate belt. Origin and evolution of an ancient volcanic arc-Introduction, Stephen A. Kish and William W. Black
Criteria for recognizing environments of formation of volcanic suites; Application of these criteria to volcanic suites in the Carolina Slate Belt, John J. W. Rogers
Volcanic and volcaniclastic facies in a part of the slate belt of North Carolina, George B. Green, Victor V. Cavaroc, Edward F. Stoddard, and Abdelzahir M. Abdelzahir
Sponge spicules from early Paleozoic rocks of the Carolina slate belt, W. C. Bourland and J. K. Rigby
Age and emplacement of the Flat River complex, an Eocambrian sub-volcanic pluton near Durham, North Carolina, Keith I. McConnell and Lynn Glover III
Geochronological investigation of the Lincolnton metadacite, Georgia and South Carolina, Robert H. Carpenter, A. Leroy Odom, and M. F. Hartley III
Ore deposits of the northern parts of the Carolinas slate belt, North Carolina, P. Geoffrey Feiss