Table of Contents - SPE194: The Grenville Event in the Appalachians and Related Subjects

Stratigraphy and structural geology of the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Review and synthesis, Richard W. Wiener, James M. McLelland, Yngvar W. Isachsen, and Leo M. Hall

Geology and geochronology of Canada Hill granite and its bearing on the timing of Grenvillian events in the Hudson Highlands, New York, Henry L. Helenek and Douglas G. Mose

The Reading Prong of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania: An appraisal of rock relations and chemistry of a major Proterozoic terrane in the Appalachians, Avery Ala Drake, Jr.

The geology of the Honey Brook Upland, southeastern Pennsylvania, William A. Crawford and Alice L. Hoersch

Tectonic evolution of the Baltimore Gneiss anticlines, Maryland, Peter D. Muller and David A. Chapin

Southern and central Appalachian basement massifs, Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.

The core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium in northern Virginia, James W. Clarke

Geology and age of the Robertson River Pluton, Michael T. Lukert and P. O. Banks

Rb-Sr age for the Robertson River pluton in Virginia and its implication on the age of the Catoctin Formation, Douglas G. Mose and Susan Nagel

Evolution of the Grenville terrane in the central Virginia Appalachians, A. K. Sinha and M. J. Bartholomew

Rock suites in Grenvillian terrane of the Roseland district, Virginia

Part 1. Lithologic relations,
Norman Herz and Eric R. Force Part 2. Igneous and metamorphic petrology,
Norman Herz

The Goochland granulite terrane Remobilized Grenville basement in the eastern Virginia Piedmont, Stewart S. Farrar

Evolution of Grenville massifs in the Blue Ridge geologic province, southern and central Appalachians Mervin J. Bartholomew and Sharon E. Lewis

Rb-Sr whole-rock and inherited zircon ages of the plutonic suite of the Crossnore Complex, southern Appalachians, and their implications regarding the time of opening the Iapetus Ocean, A. Leroy Odom and Paul D. Fullagar

Basement-cover rock relationships along the western edge of the Blue Ridge thrust sheet in Georgia, Keith I. McConnell and John O. Costello

An overview of the Grenville basement complex of the Pine Mountain window, Alabama and Georgia, James W. Sears and Robert B. Cook, Jr.