Table of Contents - SPE196: Conodont Biofacies and Provincialism

Introduction to Symposium

Conodont biofacies and biostratigraphic schemes in western North America: A model, David L. Clark and Timothy R. Carr

Provincialism, Biogeography, and Continental Placement

Conodonts through time and space. Studies in conodont provincialism, Ronald R. Charpentier

Baltoscandic conodont life environments in the Orodovician: Sedimentologic and paleogeographic evidence, Maurits Lindström

Cambrian and earliest Ordovician conodont evolution, biofacies, and provincialism, James F. Miller

Conodont provinces and biofacies of the Late Ordovician, Walter C. Sweet and Stig M. Bergström

Paleobiogeographic distribution of Early Ordovician conodonts in central and western United States, Raymond L. Ethington and John E. Repetski

Sudden appearances of Silurian conodont lineages: Provincialism or special biofacies? Lennart Jeppsson

Paleoecologic and paleogeographic factors in the distribution of lower Middle Devonian conodonts from north-central Ohio, Dale R. Sparling

Conodont distribution in the marginal-slope facies of the Upper Devonian reef complex, Canning Basin, Western Australia, Robert S. Nicoll

Late Devonian icriodontid biofacies models and alternate shallow- water conodont zonation, Charles A. Sandberg and Roland Dreesen

Palmatolepis-based revision of upper part of standard Late Devonian conodont zonation, Willi Ziegler and Charles A. Sandberg

Problems of recognition and implications of Dinantian conodont biofacies in the British Isles, Ronald L. Austin and Roger B. Davies

An examination of conodont biofacies in the Beaver Bend Limestone (Chesterian, Carboniferous) in Indiana, Carl B. Rexroad and Alan S. Horowitz

Quantitative analysis of Pennsylvanian shallow-water conodont biofacies, Utah and Colorado, Steven G. Driese, Timothy R. Carr, and David L. Clark

Facies and frequencies among Pennsylvanian conodonts. Apparatuses and abundances, Glen K. Merrill and Peter H. von Bitter

Conodont paleoecology of the Permian Phosphoria Formation and related rocks of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Bruce R. Wardlaw and James W. Collinson

Conodont paleoecology and biofacies analysis of the Lower Triassic Thaynes Formation in the Cordilleran Miogeocline, Timothy R. Carr, Rachel K. Paull, and David L. Clark

Conodont biofacies of the Triassic of northwestern Nevada, Stephen P. Carey

Conodonts from the Norian (Upper Triassic) basin and shelf facies, northwestern Nevada, Reed H. Meek

REE and Nd isotopes in conodont apatite. Variations with geological age and depositional environment, Judith Wright, Richard S. Seymour, and Henry F. Shaw