Till stratigraphy in New Hampshire. Correlations with adjacent New England and Quebec, Carl Koteff and Fred Pessl, Jr.
Sub-till saprolites in southeastern Quebec and adjacent New England Erosional, stratigraphic, and climatic significance, Pierre LaSalle, Christian R. De Kimpe, and Marc R. Laverdiere
The deglaciation of the northern White Mountains of New Hampshire, Robert F. Gerath, Brian K. Fowler, and George M. Haselton
Chronology of Late Wisconsinan deglaciation of coastal Maine, Geoffrey W. Smith
Styles of deglaciation in central Maine, D. W. Caldwell, Lindley S. Hanson, and Woodrow B. Thompson
Pleistocene geology of northeastern Maine, William A. Newman, Andrew N. Genes, and Thomas Brewer
Late Wisconsin ice-flow reversal and deglaciation, northwestern Maine, Thomas V. Lowell
Glacial maximum and deglaciation of western Gaspé, Québec, Canada, Peter P. David and Jacques Lebuis
Deglaciation of the Lower St. Lawrence Region, Québec, Luc Chauvin, Ghismond Martineau, and Pierre LaSalle
The Québec North Shore Moraine System: A major feature of Late Wisconsin deglaciation, Jean-Marie M. Dubois and Jean-Claude Dionne
Changing models of deglaciation in northern New England and adjacent Canada, H. W. Borns, Jr.
Models of glacial reconstruction and deglaciation applied to Maritime Canada and New England, T. Hughes, H. W. Borns, Jr., J. L. Fastook, M. R. Hyland, J. S. Kite, and T. V. Lowell
The environmental setting for human colonization of northern New England and adjacent Canada in Late Pleistocene time, Robson Bonnichsen, George L. Jacobson, Jr., Ronald B. Davis, and Harold W. Borns, Jr.